What makes our desk "solid" ? What makes anything solid ? Nothing is solid in so subatomic level. Yeah we have these atoms that are what ? they are not things, they are tendencies of hollow emtry regions of space ? with a dense nucleus in the middle while these electrons are, so called "orbiting" arout it ? even though it is just a probability patters ? that they are there but then they are gone ? where did they go ? and so does the nucleus go in and out of igsistance, so what happens to it ?
So then with all these EMPTY regions of space, why is our desk solid ?
Do any of you think about this stuff or I am just a dumb kid that shouldn't care ?
I watched the movie called "What the bleed do we know" that got me thinking about what reality is and quantum physics.
To me it makes sense saying that it is our conshusness that makes our so called reality solid. To our mind it is there and we don't have to think about it, but we should.
Any thoughts or what ?
So then with all these EMPTY regions of space, why is our desk solid ?
Do any of you think about this stuff or I am just a dumb kid that shouldn't care ?
I watched the movie called "What the bleed do we know" that got me thinking about what reality is and quantum physics.
To me it makes sense saying that it is our conshusness that makes our so called reality solid. To our mind it is there and we don't have to think about it, but we should.
Any thoughts or what ?