what not to do when holding a nail gun


Active Member
Ow Ow Ow!
I worked construction for a while and was framing an ******** wall, one day. I was shooting 16 penny, ribbed nails and accidentally skipped the gun off of the 2x4 and right into my hand.
Inserted between my first and middle finger and instead of going thru, it went parallel into my hand. Punctured all three tendons, in my middle, ring and pinkie finger and chipped a good chunk of bone out of my hand.
Worst part is, when I got to the hospital, they made me wait a good 3 hours, before anyone saw me. Then, when they did, the Dr. comes in, grabs my hand and starts poking, twisting and pulling on the nail! The nurse runs over and explains that I hadn't had any pain meds yet...if he would've looked at me, he would've known cause I was white knuckling the bed rail, ready to rip off the metal rail and beat him with it!
A few hours of surgery and I was good as new.


Active Member
you got it way worse than I did, I just went subdermal and burst a vein. lucky me. but it made for a damn cool picture.


Active Member
update, hand feels like its 100% today just a little stiff this morning now its fine, just a bruise the diameter of a beer can on the back of it and tender if I poke it.
just glad it wasnt my tank hand, I wouldnt be able to reach into my tank with a puncture that deep.


OMG Reefkprz! YOu just hit the Godlike level of respect from me!!
Not for the nail, we've all been shot by the occasional nailgun, course mine's only been trim or brads, but rather the picture! STOP EVERYTHING! Get the camera! I need this in my photobook and my friends at SWF will LOVE this!
Nah, no docs, unless you see blue lines running up your arm or your jaw won't open, lol.
I think you can search my posts as far back as they go and you will be hard pressed to see me applying this smiley, but for you...easily...


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
As soon as I saw the pic I had to double check it wasn't Renogaw.
strangely enough i thought the same thing.
hope youre OK! was it worse going in or pulling it out?


Active Member
hand is good as new. a few days later the only sign is a tiny scab where it entered and slight bruising on the back of the hand that is fading quickly. doesnt even hurt.
thanks for asking alix


Active Member
Originally Posted by rc1626
We must think alike. Or should I say....work alike.
ouch. funny thing is I have been in carpentry for many years and this is the first time I have ever "nailed" myself. usually I just strain my back, or fall of a 32 foot extension ladder and give myself whiplash.