what now?


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Originally posted by Tizzo
Birds are loud and messy...
Get a chinchilla!!!

I was totally going to say that! Chinchilla, snake or lizard.



Originally posted by KittyKitty
*Shhhhh I used to feed them to the snakes*

Someone came into the store once and asked me if I wanted to take their 6 siberian dwarf hamsters. At the time, I had two ball pythons and a savannah monitor. Needless to say, I took them. My monitor, my ball pythons, and even my cat had a few good snacks that night.

Nasty little


thats actually quite disturbing. taking someone's pets and feeding them to ugly snakes:nope:
but i do agree with u on geckos, they are neat:D chameleons are ,my favorite tho, they have the coolest eyes, and cutest little toes:yes:



Originally posted by Reef_Magic
thats actually quite disturbing. taking someone's pets and feeding them to ugly snakes:nope:
but i do agree with u on geckos, they are neat:D chameleons are ,my favorite tho, they have the coolest eyes, and cutest little toes:yes:

The people that gave them to me hated them and actually said
"Got any snakes? Want some hamsters?"
"ugly snakes" psh.



Originally posted by KittyKitty
As for lizards, leopard geckoes are a very pretty and very docile beginner reptile. They are very easy to take care of.[/URL]

And they don't bite as hard as a Tokay gecko!


2 words...
SUGAR GLIDER!!!!!! they are the coolest animal ever:yes:



Originally posted by Daniel411
And they don't bite as hard as a Tokay gecko!

Tokays are the DEVIL!!!
Have you ever been bitten by one? Those little

don't let go!
thanks all for the opinions, im realy wanting a bird or chinchilla (maybe a sugar glider they are cool) but my mom said i have to prove to her that i can keep my room clean if i want anything else
a couple of questions, hmm how do i put this,
I have heard that when birds poop it shoots all over, is this true? and could i build a custom cage using plastic on three sides and then just the cage stuff on the front to try and prevent this?
What is the cost of:
*sugar gliders
*love birds
*any other common easy to care for birds


my friends brother just got a chinchilla for his b-day and she said his room is really really dusty now cuz they take dust baths and fling it every where and my other friend who owns 2 said that its sorta hit or miss with them cuz they can be quite antisocial or they will love everyone and get every one all dusty lol and they are also quite expensive
what do you think about a bunny? we had one that passed away last week and she was one of the best pets ive had... they are interesting to watch and can be grumpy but when they arent being mean they are your best friend. mine used to come up and bite the cuff of ppls pants and run away and play tag and stuff. and in the mornings she was all happy and did binkeys(i think thats what they call the things they do... its like a flying backflip leapy thing)
:notsure: and flips and she was just the funniest thing i have ever seen i enjoyed my time with her and we might get another when our house is done getting remodeled



Originally posted by jokerswild
Go with some dart frogs !!!!!:joy: :yes: :yes: :joy:

Why your at it, get some box jellyfish:eek:



Originally posted by KittyKitty
Tokays are the DEVIL!!!
Have you ever been bitten by one? Those little

don't let go!

I watch my fingers near them! A friend had one a good 11-13" that was just a monster. Bit him quite a few times while working in the tank. He's been bit by red tails, niles, dermals(sp?), etc. and swears those little suckers hurt the worst!



Originally posted by oceanic110
Why your at it, get some box jellyfish:eek:

Dart frogs are not poisonous when they are captive bred. Their toxins come from their environment. :yes:



Originally posted by Daniel411
I watch my fingers near them! A friend had one a good 11-13" that was just a monster. Bit him quite a few times while working in the tank. He's been bit by red tails, niles, dermals(sp?), etc. and swears those little suckers hurt the worst!

My savannah monitor accidently got me once when I was dropping a mouse in his cage... that was worse than any bite ever. He didn't let go for a good 2 minutes.


he was about 2 feet long, which includes the tail. Their tails are kinda short and stubby, though.. so he was pretty big.
His head was probably almost the size of my fist.



Originally posted by greenbananas87
thanks all for the opinions, im realy wanting a bird or chinchilla (maybe a sugar glider they are cool) but my mom said i have to prove to her that i can keep my room clean if i want anything else
a couple of questions, hmm how do i put this,
I have heard that when birds poop it shoots all over, is this true? and could i build a custom cage using plastic on three sides and then just the cage stuff on the front to try and prevent this?
What is the cost of:
*sugar gliders
*love birds
*any other common easy to care for birds

sugar gliders are very expensive and need special housing, not like a regular hamster cage