What Price for Human Life or Why it's Good to be a Celebrity


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I think the punishment he got was about right for a first time offender (if he was). I wonder if the family would have been so quick to cry for leniency if it had been someone who couldn't afford to grease their palms?


Well-Known Member
Oscar and I rarely agree on anything, but on this we are in total agreement. Oscar probably sees the consequences of drunk drivers every day in his ER. I used to make a great deal of money providing expert testimony about alcohol absorption, but when I began losing sleep over some of the people (loosely applied term) I worked for, I gave it up and am much happier for having done so.
Here is my point of view on this. As anyone who has read the story knows, the man who was killed was at fault, as he ran across the street (which has a speed limit of 40mph) trying to catch a bus as it was about to pull away. He was jaywalking, he wasn't in a crosswalk, and he didn't look before he crossed. Stallworth also was flashing his lights at the guy as well.
Assuming that Stallworth wasn't drunk, this would have just been a tragic accident, with a tragic ending.
I don't understand how the fact he was drunk should somehow make the crime for killing the guy any more severe.
In my eyes, the guy was dead whether Stallworth was drunk or not, so I feel like the "time" Stallworth gets should be based on that. It was just very bad timing for Mr. Reyes, period.


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Leonard Little of the STL Rams killed someone and did 0 time. THEN....not too long ago got caught DUI and still served ZERO time !!!!!

el guapo

Active Member
Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid
Here is my point of view on this. As anyone who has read the story knows, the man who was killed was at fault, as he ran across the street (which has a speed limit of 40mph) trying to catch a bus as it was about to pull away. He was jaywalking, he wasn't in a crosswalk, and he didn't look before he crossed. Stallworth also was flashing his lights at the guy as well.
Assuming that Stallworth wasn't drunk, this would have just been a tragic accident, with a tragic ending.
I don't understand how the fact he was drunk should somehow make the crime for killing the guy any more severe.
In my eyes, the guy was dead whether Stallworth was drunk or not, so I feel like the "time" Stallworth gets should be based on that. It was just very bad timing for Mr. Reyes, period.
But in the chain of events had he not been driving (breaking a law) . He would not have been at that same place and time .
I guess having been the victim of a drunk driver I just have zero tolerance for anybody behind the wheel while under the influence.


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Originally Posted by oscardeuce
Get drunk, kill someone and only spend 30 days in jail.
I hope the Browns can him.
This makes me sick.
you act like the 30 days in jail are all the punishment that he got...
he got 2 years house arrest...10 years probation...has to undergo alcohol and drug testing...paid the family an undisclosed amount(most likely MILLIONS)...has to complete 1000 hours of community service...AND HE CAN NEVER DRIVE AGAIN(lifetime suspention of his drivers liscence)...
all of this on top of "only" 30 days in jail...


Active Member
Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid
Here is my point of view on this. As anyone who has read the story knows, the man who was killed was at fault, as he ran across the street (which has a speed limit of 40mph) trying to catch a bus as it was about to pull away. He was jaywalking, he wasn't in a crosswalk, and he didn't look before he crossed. Stallworth also was flashing his lights at the guy as well.
Assuming that Stallworth wasn't drunk, this would have just been a tragic accident, with a tragic ending.
I don't understand how the fact he was drunk should somehow make the crime for killing the guy any more severe.
In my eyes, the guy was dead whether Stallworth was drunk or not, so I feel like the "time" Stallworth gets should be based on that. It was just very bad timing for Mr. Reyes, period.
Had he been sober it is likely he could have avoided the person. Fact is he got caught driving drunk and needed to be punished. I just don't think a first time offender needs jail time, at least not a long sentence. Give them 30 days so they have a taste of what is going to happen if they get caught again.

el guapo

Active Member
The guy that hit me was a habitual offender that had just gotten out of prison for DUI's , in addition to this it was a hit and run as he fled the scene . His parole officer was sending him back in . I highly doubt he ever thinks about what he caused me to go through . More than likely he is thinking about how good a cold one will taste when he gets out .


Active Member
Originally Posted by EL GUAPO
The guy that hit me was a habitual offender that had just gotten out of prison for DUI's , in addition to this it was a hit and run as he fled the scene . His parole officer was sending him back in . I highly doubt he ever thinks about what he caused me to go through . More than likely he is thinking about how good a cold one will taste when he gets out .
That is the type of person that should never get out. Anyone can make a mistake. Some are slow learners so 2nd time you really make it sink in. 3 time throw away the dam key as far as I am concerned.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jtrzerocool
you act like the 30 days in jail are all the punishment that he got...
he got 2 years house arrest...10 years probation...has to undergo alcohol and drug testing...paid the family an undisclosed amount(most likely MILLIONS)...has to complete 1000 hours of community service...AND HE CAN NEVER DRIVE AGAIN(lifetime suspention of his drivers liscence)...
all of this on top of "only" 30 days in jail...

This is "punishment" for killing someone?
House arrest in a what I assume is a multimillion dollar home? I also assume hot tub, workout center, media room, etc. Ha, I'll take life.
As to never driving again, he can afford a driver, and according to the article in 5 years he could get back limited driving priviledges. I'm sure he can find a "friend" to drive the Bentley.
Paying the family off is almost as bad, it still removes most of the consequences to his actions. How much is life worth to you?
One of my problems with today's society is we've removed consequences from actions. This is just one example.
I've had to tell loved ones their family member is never coming home. I bear more scars from that than this irresponsible sports celebrity will bear for killing someone. Have you ever looked into a Mother or Father's eyes while telling them their child will never be coming home, I have. Those are the eyes that haunt me.
I don't have millions to pay, I guess I'd spend more time in jail if I were stupid enough to do this. I fact, I've spent thousands to protect what I own from litigation in the event I'm sued for malpractice.
What really kills me is Mr Stallworth was returning from being out all night partying. His victim was returning home from WORK.
My opinion is Mr. Stallworth is human trash.
If I were judge, he would take over his vitim's night job, and have to actually work and live the way most of us live. No more night life, millions (40+), no more Bentley.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Had he been sober it is likely he could have avoided the person. Fact is he got caught driving drunk and needed to be punished. I just don't think a first time offender needs jail time, at least not a long sentence. Give them 30 days so they have a taste of what is going to happen if they get caught again.
He also killed someone. That ups the ante a bit, even for a "first timer". I doubt this is his first time, just the first time he was caught and someone died.


Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid
I don't understand how the fact he was drunk should somehow make the crime for killing the guy any more severe.

I scannned the article, so maybe I missed something... He was going 50 in a 40... Not bad, I do worse than that sober.
He flashed his lights, stayed to dial 911, cooperated fully and responsibly. The only thing left is, did that alcohol impair his reaction time causing him to delay hitting the brakes??
Don;t get me wrong, just being irresponsible and drinking under the influence should be punishable, but I do wonder, as stated, if the alcohol had much to do with this tragic accident...
And yeah, if he stayed where he was the guy would not have gotten hit, but that's a game one could play for eternity.


Active Member
Felony DUI – Serious Injury or Death
If a person is DUI, as described above, and causes or contributes to the cause of a crash involving serious injury, the person is subject to being charged with a DUI - Serious Injury. It is a third degree felony, level 7 offense, subject to five years in the state prison. The Florida Sentencing Guidelines apply. The maximum sentence is five years in the state prison. The minimum mandatory sentence is calculated based on various factors including victim injury points. The mandatory fine is the same as a "Felony DUI." There is a mandatory minimum three year driver's license revocation.
If the person is DUI, as described above, and causes or contributes to the cause of a crash involving death, the person is subject to being charged with DUI-Manslaughter. It is a second degree felony, level 8 offense, subject to 15 years in the state prison. The Florida Sentencing Guidelines apply. Without going into the details, a single death carries a minimum of approximately 10 years in prison. There is a mandatory permanent revocation of the driver's license.
This is what i found on florida state law...from the way that i read it, it looks like he should be serving a minimum of 10 years in prison...however, i assume that is why he received 10 years probation and 2 years house arrest...


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
He also killed someone. That ups the ante a bit, even for a "first timer". I doubt this is his first time, just the first time he was caught and someone died.
It doesn't say if he had ever had a previous DUI so I assume it was his first. I am kinda weird on this but while I do think being financially responsible for the death I don't think it warrants a radically increased sentence. The Crime here was still drinking and driving. If the guy has an ounce of decency he will spend the rest of his life paying for this mentally. I just don't think a first time offender needs to take up jail space with a long sentence. I think home arrest is way under utilized.


Active Member
He made a decision to drink and drive. That decision is made when you drive up to a Hotel bar with keys in hand. Did he think he wasn't going to have a drink?
This is my reality. Mother, 3 children, husband, brother and both parents driving home from a lovely vacation. Drunk driver. Slam. The next thing that mother knows is she's in the PICU refusing medical treatment herself to stay next to her son.... cause that's all that's left. He's intubated and unresponsive. The left pupil blows.The right pupil blows. The mom is all alone. Nothing will chill your soul like hearing a mother scream to god to please take her and leave her baby. Please, I'll do anything. The drunk driver bounced as they always do and walked away unscathed. He did not have a prior record.
I'm sorry to be so graphic but I find the tolerance appalling. These are people's lives ruined because he put the drink to his mouth. He wasn't drunk when he took that first sip so don't tell me he was drunk and didn't know what he was doing.
I find it disgusting that the family took money like that. I don't care if I had to live in a cardboard box. If someone mowed down my family I would go for the max.
Oh wait, maybe I should get my friend from another forum to come on here and tell you all how she enjoys her disability check now that she is a cripple thanks to Mr. Jack Daniels.


Active Member
i am not justifying stallworths drunk driving...but the guy also chose to break the law when he jaywalked...and why did he walk into the path of a moving vehicle? if it is close enough to hit you, then you are close enough to see it coming and stay out of the path...


Active Member
Originally Posted by jtrzerocool
i am not justifying stallworths drunk driving...but the guy also chose to break the law when he jaywalked...and why did he walk into the path of a moving vehicle? if it is close enough to hit you, then you are close enough to see it coming and stay out of the path...
How did he have time to flash his lights. If someone jumps in front of you that fast all you are going to be able to do is slam on the brakes and hold your breath. If he was far enough away for you to think about flashing your lights as a warning.... your far enough away to stop.... if you are sober.
A sober man may have reacted different... swerved different...
That victim made a mistake by doing what he did... he is also to blame.... should we give him a month's prison sentence too? Oh wait, his sentence was a little longer.


Active Member
For me, it boils down to the bottom line. This man was killed because he jaywalked in traffic and got hit.
If on the otherhand Stallworth being DUI was the cause of the homicide, my view would be considerable different. The 'what-if's' are great, if he wasn't drunk could have avoid him, etc, but that's not the issue. The bottomline is the cops determined the victim to be at fault. I fully know and appreciate everyone's stories how they have been affected by DUIs. But as I understand and take it, the DUI driver has been at fault. If you suddenly changed 4 lanes of traffic, were clipped by a DUI driver who couldn't avoid you, and spun into the guardrail, I'm not really sure what to say other then sorry? %%
The other thing is the victim's family accepted the finanical compensation package! I understand if you find that morally reprehensible, that's fine. That's an issue you have with the victim's family, not Mr. Stallworth. And with them accepting, what's a judge left to do?


Active Member
Another case of someone famous that gets away with killing someone... The world is going to hell when we allow these types of things to happen.. Ok the guy was jaywalking... Big deal Im willing to bet that 99% of people here have jaywalked.. Are you suggesting that all would have been fine if the guy would have crossed the road a few feet down from where he was? The fact is that Stallworth was wasted (.126).. you want to play the pity for him since the guy wasnt crossing in the cross walk.. ok then.. Stallworth was also speeding while drunk driving before 8 am... I have no pity for trash like this.. Seems like if you want to kill someone all you need to do is play in the NFL..