What question are you getting tired of seeing that is asked and answered frequently


Active Member
Sorry, but if you want a fish that's going to be HUGE, then for HEAVEN'S sake buy a HUGE tank, or forget it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PonieGirl
Sorry, but if you want a fish that's going to be HUGE, then for HEAVEN'S sake buy a HUGE tank, or forget it.

Does this include miniature tangs? :hilarious


Active Member
can i put a yellow tang in my 12 gallon tank??
someone should start a thread saying the minimum requirements for different tangs (since theres fighting about this just put down somewhere between the 2 main tanksizes that people say)


Active Member
Whats' the "MINIMUM" ____**_______<(fill in the blank) that I can get away with???
What's up with the "MINIMUM"..??
Why don't people ask "What's the BEST _____ or Most Preferable____ or Proper_____ for my tank...??"
** Lighting, flow, size, lbs of rock, etc...**


Active Member
Yep, I would have to agree and say the "minimum" issue as well. We are not dealing with inanimate objects that do not matter. We are all here talking about our pets, our live animals that we love so dearly. We should want the best we can give them, not the minimum.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rs1831
Does this include miniature tangs? :hilarious
oh come on i wasnt sure what i was talking about i was a bit confused.. well very actually then i corrected the post. it was only a baby tang :mad:
im new so im never going to hear the end of this :hilarious


Active Member
Originally Posted by rs1831
Does this include miniature tangs? :hilarious

Sorry bill, you have to admit...


I would have to say any question that starts with "Can I". The way I see it, there are almost no absolutes in this hobby, only odds of success. "Can I keep a mandarin in a 29g tank" - yes, one or two have done so, but hundreds have failed. So can you - yes, it is possible. Odds of success? Maybe 1-2%? I personally think that giving odds like this instead of yes or no answers would be much better information.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bill109
oh come on i wasnt sure what i was talking about i was a bit confused.. well very actually then i corrected the post. it was only a baby tang :mad:
im new so im never going to hear the end of this :hilarious
Sorry Bill, just having a little fun.

my way

Active Member
Any question that could be found by looking around. I know the search is sometimes useless, but when someone asks a question and there are already three similar questions on the front page of the forum it gets a little annoying. Another one that gets me, when someone asks what or how to get a fish to eat AFTER they bought the fish. Do your research first! The all time winner of this category, "How do I get my lionfish to eat frozen?" If it's not eating in the store DON"T BUY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
alot of those people are beginners ,shame on u guys , at one time u guys were new to the hobby . i hope no beginners see this thread they might not ask something that they really need info on


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
alot of those people are beginners ,shame on u guys , at one time u guys were new to the hobby . i hope no beginners see this thread they might not ask something that they really need info on
Thats a pretty good point. I guess if we're sick of seeing a certain post that we just shouldn't read them.


Active Member
I have one that I'd like to see, " What's a good book I should read before I get started.?".


Active Member
Originally Posted by xDave
I have one that I'd like to see, " What's a good book I should read before I get started.?".

That gets asked once a week. The consensus is the Conscientious Marine Aquarist.


Active Member

Originally Posted by My Way
Any question that could be found by looking around.
I know the search is sometimes useless, but when someone asks a question and there are already three similar questions on the front page of the forum it gets a little annoying. Another one that gets me, when someone asks what or how to get a fish to eat AFTER they bought the fish. Do your research first! The all time winner of this category, "How do I get my lionfish to eat frozen?" If it's not eating in the store DON"T BUY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Excellent point. Sometimes you wonder if folks just post to post.


Originally Posted by reefreak29
alot of those people are beginners ,shame on u guys , at one time u guys were new to the hobby . i hope no beginners see this thread they might not ask something that they really need info on
Thank you for bring up this point. I too am new to this hobby. But my love for it is no less then anyone elses. I want what is the best for my pets and ill do whatever i need to do. Saltwater tanks are not CHEAP for any of us. I was one that did do research.. i bought the books...i have read and read on this hobby. However sometimes i find that i have a issue that comes up and i cant sit at my computer for three or four hours and hopefully find where i read about this or that. My pets are relying on me for help quickly. And by posting even the what you guys may think is a stupid question may just be that we cant remember and need a reminder. As was said.. .we were all new to this at one time. And as far as i am concered none of us are "experts" and know everything. We are taking a peice of the ocean people ... and trying to put it in our homes. That my posting pals... is a constant learning hobby. be paitent with us "newbies" and instead of not posting our silly questions just help us along and know that when you go to bed at night you may have helped in someone saving thier loving pets!