What question are you getting tired of seeing that is asked and answered frequently



oh, please don't feel bad!!! i'm 99% sure that's not what this thread was intended to do! i always say the only stupid questions are the ones left unasked. Actually if these same questions weren't asked all of the time, we'd all have nothing to do cause we'd be waiting around for someone with a difficult question... that's pretty boring if you ask me!
and i never get tired of answering questions!


Active Member
Originally Posted by user
However sometimes i find that i have a issue that comes up and i cant sit at my computer for three or four hours and hopefully find where i read about this or that. My pets are relying on me for help quickly. And by posting even the what you guys may think is a stupid question may just be that we cant remember and need a reminder.

not to point fingers, but i tire of many newcomers who have this view of things. imo if you can rack up over 10 posts a day you should be familiar enough with a forum to do a simple search. i can find just about any keyword question in 15 minutes and some of the stuff i look for is pretty far out there.
no question is stupid, but it gets tiring with all the exact same questions. once you've been here awhile you'll notice that people migrate away from this forum area and stay away.
anyways my favorite question is "has anyone here ever ordered from this site?"


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltfreak4
First, didn't even know there was one???!! Maybe you could just point the newbie in the direction of the information.
Just looked for this......where is this?

Oh duh, sorry! I forgot to put where it is! It's been moved to the archives. I would post a link to it but I don't know how.
That's why I wish they would move it back to the new hobbyist forum so it's more visible.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
i think the reason some people get annoyed is because most newbies don't realize there's a "search" option at the top so you can do research on the general questions your going to ask rather than posting first. To some of us it does seem like extra work to have to repeatedly answer the same questions over and over again. I do agree this thread could have been worded better, but it is good information.

I don't think the search feature works very well though. It either brings up ten thousand posts or none at all.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
oh, please don't feel bad!!! i'm 99% sure that's not what this thread was intended to do! i always say the only stupid questions are the ones left unasked. Actually if these same questions weren't asked all of the time, we'd all have nothing to do cause we'd be waiting around for someone with a difficult question... that's pretty boring if you ask me!
and i never get tired of answering questions!



I agree that the search function does not work well. I also think that this post makes us newbies not really want to ask questions for fear of being stupid. Not everyone is good at using a search engine so many feel more comfortable just asking the question.


Active Member
I personally don't think any question is stupid (with the exception of "Do I use table salt for my tank"?) I just get tired of the same ones, so I just skip them sometimes.


yeah, searching is a pain in the butt, but if you search for multiple terms in the topic you're looking for, it comes up with much better results! for example, if you're looking for information on cycling, if you type in "cycling", you'll get so much crap you won't know what to do with. but if you search for let's say "tank setup cycling" you'll narrow your results by a lot, and it'll give you threads that better fit what you're looking for.


Active Member
also you can narrow with a " cycling -lr -rock -sand " for instance the minus will filter out all the live rock/sand and give you results for just a tank. this works just like eday.


Active Member
Originally Posted by martinc909
So what question are you tired of seeing.
i`m tired of seeing "this" one ...


Active Member
Originally Posted by captmorgan
sombody with 1200 posts and asks "i have ick in my reef tank what to do"
those always stump me too.
just goes to show you that you can't judge a book by its cover. a new person to this forum with 1 post might have 10+ years experience and someone with 1000+ post might be a bunch of (
) type posts.
don't rule out someones post to your thread because of how few posts they have and don't only take the advice of someone with over 1000 post.
it is best to ask a question and wait till you get multiple responces and then you will have to make an educated guess going by the feedback you got.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Oceanists
How do I lower my Nitrates?
...............really how do you? :scared: :scared:


Originally Posted by maeistero
not to point fingers, but i tire of many newcomers who have this view of things. imo if you can rack up over 10 posts a day you should be familiar enough with a forum to do a simple search. i can find just about any keyword question in 15 minutes and some of the stuff i look for is pretty far out there.
no question is stupid, but it gets tiring with all the exact same questions. once you've been here awhile you'll notice that people migrate away from this forum area and stay away.
anyways my favorite question is "has anyone here ever ordered from this site?"

I am not "offended" in the least by your finger pointing. In any direction you may have entended it to be. Yes i post alot during the day. Some days more then others..however i am fortunate enough to own two of my own resturants. So there for during the day i am able to be at home doing office work. And i like to read the post and help out where i am able. I post alot on my lunch break and do alot of studing on my new love for this hobby. I am fully aware of the "search" area thank you. And imo you always have the option of "not replying" to those whom you do not care for.In fact i think that maybe those that want thier own group here so as they are not bothered by us "newbies" should consult with a mod and see if they can get thier own posting section. Sorry to have bothered anyone with my questions and i will do my best to monitor my posting totals. Not to point any fingers ya know.


Active Member
Originally Posted by teviesfish
I am not "offended" in the least by your finger pointing. In any direction you may have entended it to be. Yes i post alot during the day. Some days more then others..however i am fortunate enough to own two of my own resturants. So there for during the day i am able to be at home doing office work. And i like to read the post and help out where i am able. I post alot on my lunch break and do alot of studing on my new love for this hobby. I am fully aware of the "search" area thank you. And imo you always have the option of "not replying" to those whom you do not care for.In fact i think that maybe those that want thier own group here so as they are not bothered by us "newbies" should consult with a mod and see if they can get thier own posting section. Sorry to have bothered anyone with my questions and i will do my best to monitor my posting totals. Not to point any fingers ya know.

teviesfish, I hope I have not offended you. I don't think any of your questions have been "dumb" or "annoying". You seem like a nice person.


Active Member
well said. i don't think i recall any of your posts personally. that's why i said not to point. it's just a generalization of the new hobbyist sections. i come in to help where i can and usually avoid the repeat posts. this was a unique topic so i thought i'd throw out my two cents, realizing that some people would take it wrong. you just happened to hit on the random nailhead. there are a lot of people that hang out in the lounge area that post a ton also.
you aren't bothering me as far as i know yet

i wouldn't care to have my own group here, that's for mods and i don't have the time. i don't claim to have the knowledge that they have either. i just find the posts in the other areas to be more to the point and interesting.
keep on keeping on and ask away! i'll keep telling whatever i can to make it easier to navigate the site, just as i would help anyone with their tank.
no offense intended whatsoever. maybe this shouldn't have been a topic for this section of the forums afterall. :notsure:


Originally Posted by alyssia
teviesfish, I hope I have not offended you. I don't think any of your questions have been "dumb" or "annoying". You seem like a nice person.
I wasnt offened in the least hon.. you have been very paitent in answering my questions in the past. You too seem very kind and thanks for all of your help! You have been very graciouse in answering people! Have a wonderful night ~ tevies mom :joy: :jumping:


Active Member
Originally Posted by teviesfish
I wasnt offened in the least hon.. you have been very paitent in answering my questions in the past. You too seem very kind and thanks for all of your help! You have been very graciouse in answering people! Have a wonderful night ~ tevies mom :joy: :jumping:

Right back at ya!!