What question are you getting tired of seeing that is asked and answered frequently


Giggles... no back at you... LOL yes yes i am sitting on my a*^ ..whiped out from doing water changes on THREE tanks!!!! and to top it off my royal grammy decided to jump into the filter area.. silly child.. hes on time out on his coral


Active Member
Originally Posted by teviesfish
Giggles... no back at you... LOL yes yes i am sitting on my a*^ ..whiped out from doing water changes on THREE tanks!!!! and to top it off my royal grammy decided to jump into the filter area.. silly child.. hes on time out on his coral

I did one WC yesterday and I need to do the other two tonight. I'm tired though! I need to get it done before we go camping this weekend. :happyfish


Camping? isnt it cold there? its freezign here and rainy. Hope you have a great time. I am a "hotel" kinda gal!!! Giggle


Active Member
Originally Posted by teviesfish
Camping? isnt it cold there? its freezign here and rainy. Hope you have a great time. I am a "hotel" kinda gal!!! Giggle

It's not cold yet, it's been about 78 during the day and in the 50's at night. Perfect camping weather for me, I hate heat! Their is more for the kids to do at a campground too. They drive me nuts in a hotel.

my way

Active Member
To the noobies who say they might be afraid to ask for feeling dumb, don't ever be afraid to ask. All most of us are saying, look around a little before asking. Noobie questions are quite abundant around here. If you have a question about a Triggerfish for example, spend 5 minutes to look through the New Hobbiest threads and look back a few pages, can't find it there, spend another 5 minutes and look through a few more pages of posts in the Fish Discussion forum, still can't find it, spend another 5 in the Aggresive Fish threads. Now if you can't find it in any of those places, ask away. That's all I ask of a noobie. I guess the point I'm making is, if you are too lazy to look for yourself, don't expect someone else to do your work.
If you look at the title of this thread, it asks about FREQUENTLY asked questions, if people did their own research, these questions would not be frequently asked.


Originally Posted by alyssia
It's not cold yet, it's been about 78 during the day and in the 50's at night. Perfect camping weather for me, I hate heat! Their is more for the kids to do at a campground too. They drive me nuts in a hotel.
I like camping but there is SO much work to do to go... and i am not exagerating when i say it has rained EVERY time that i have gone with my kids. at least at a hotel they can swim!! giggle well have fun anyways ~ Bon


Active Member
I do not feel it is fair to equate the number of posts to experience. It is perfectly valid and quite possible for someone to ask a "basic" question even with a lot of posts. It is entirely possible that they have never had an ick problem.
Does it also stand that I should ignore the advice of people with 10 posts?
Not at all. Frankly, I don't tend to look for one answer, but the consensus of many.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
Frankly, I don't tend to look for one answer, but the consensus of many.

Me too, unless the one answer is from someone I have seen give good advice many, many times.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
Me too, unless the one answer is from someone I have seen give good advice many, many times.
i actually think the ick thing with over 1200 posts is me. i asked about it like 2 months ago.... i just never had an ich outbreak and wanted to double check


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
I do not feel it is fair to equate the number of posts to experience. It is perfectly valid and quite possible for someone to ask a "basic" question even with a lot of posts. It is entirely possible that they have never had an ick problem.
Does it also stand that I should ignore the advice of people with 10 posts?

that's why i had to correct myself, whilst i would like for people to correct themselves also. it's a two way street as there are those that have been here a couple days who know more than 99% of us with one post. there are also those who have been here a li'l bit with 1000 posts still asking the first chapter of what is saltwater.
that bothers me a bit, but that's a personal thought i have. not everyone gets it the same as i do.

so we have to understand all people here. basically what i'm trying to promote is the search function. i had a problem with just posting non-fish related stuff for awhile until i became comfortable giving advice. it's disconcerting to see one or two with bad advice coming around lately, but i'll keep my mouth shut.
:thinking: i've actually been pondering whether someone out there is releasing a new university book or something. there's a lot of randomly bad rumors that a lot of people are touting as scientific fact. :thinking: it's odd and throwing some random questions at me lately at work.


Originally Posted by ryanhayes9
i actually think the ick thing with over 1200 posts is me. i asked about it like 2 months ago.... i just never had an ich outbreak and wanted to double check

i didnt mean you i just see some post with people with like 500+ posts and i say to myself what have you been posting and looking at


IMO, the people posting these "i wish newbies would stop asking this question" shouldn't spend any time in the beginner forum... maybe go somewhere that they don't ask a bunch of beginner questions... just a thought.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
IMO, the people posting these "i wish newbies would stop asking this question" shouldn't spend any time in the beginner forum... maybe go somewhere that they don't ask a bunch of beginner questions... just a thought.

That is not a bad suggestion, actually. If it does annoy people a lot, then it is not a good forum to hang around in. The name is appropriate, and if you don't wish to read the same question, let alone answer it in a snotty way, then try the fish discussion or others. Yeah, that's the ticket


I must admit, in the month I have been on these boards I have learned a great deal. I also admit that I have read the same questions over and over again. I purposely read the same questions because it seems like there are ALWAYS different answers. It seems all the veterans have had success with numerous techniques. I fail to see why you would complain about a new person not knowing that the boards offer an archive, or that they would even think to look to see if their question has already been asked/answered.
When I first signed on I was so excited that I posted right away! Not to toot my own horn or anything but, I think I asked the greatest of all "Stupid Questions". I asked about the SeaClone Skimmer...that question always starts a war!
Its a blessing to have such an interactive forum where your own question can be answered within seconds. That being said I see no reason why this post would embarass anyone, scare or reflect negatively in anyway. Plus, everyone knows the new kid is always the easiest to pick on. Dumb new kids!
This place rules!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ryanhayes9
i actually think the ick thing with over 1200 posts is me. i asked about it like 2 months ago.... i just never had an ich outbreak and wanted to double check



Originally Posted by reefreak29
alot of those people are beginners ,shame on u guys , at one time u guys were new to the hobby . i hope no beginners see this thread they might not ask something that they really need info on
Well, this is my first post, and I hope I'm not stepping on anybody's toes, but this is a very valid point.
I belong to other subject specific boards, and it's simpy a natural phenomenon that there are a ton of questions that the veterans (myself included) undoubtedly see again and again and again. That all said, the point is to diseminate information, encourage participation in the hobby, and the nature of i'net discussion boards is that it does include a lot of repeat questions.
Although less common in this day and age, there are still a lot of computer/internet neophytes out there, and posting can be a tad intimidating. Certainly wouldn't want to discourage anyone from participating.
I've found discussion boards to be the ultimate in research, and while I understand and attempt as much as I can, sometimes it's not easy to find what you're looking for . . . thus there are many repeat questions.
As someone just getting into the hobby (don't even have a tank yet, just finding things out), I'm hoping this will be an invaluable tool in increasing my knowledge . . . now and as the years go by.


I wouldn't complain since I asked some pretty basic questions. I checked at all the threads I've started. and WOW. have I gone far.


New Member
If I can I'll try to address this from both sides. In another hobby I post frequently on a message board - I have a touch over 7K posts. Its paintball, and I have a lot of experience at it. I look at a lot of posts and do the "OMG how does someone not know that".
Now I'm looking at a saltwater tank. I have ZERO knowledge and noone around who has a lot of knowledge. I honestly thought, buy a small tank, dump in some salt water (I did figure I had to buy this), dump in a tang (they look cool in *****), dump in whatever else looks cool fish wise, a few decorations and poof saltwater tank. Now Im trying to figure out what I have to do to plan and set up a tank properly, the type of waiting time etc. This site is invaluable to me. Both the information contained and the answers I will get (I assume) to my stupid questions. Yeh, I'm trying to come up with a "game plan" for my tank, but the fact that I have a place to post it before I start for critique (once I am ready) keeps this from being overwhelming. Without something like this where I can ask my stupid questions this hobby would be so overwhelming I would never contemplate even starting it.