What question are you getting tired of seeing that is asked and answered frequently


xdave, what WOULD be some good books to read? i was in this hobby for about a year and a half, but have been gone for about 2 years, so i got some catching up to do. eventually id like an in wall reef.


Active Member
Maybe this is not a question that is posted a lot but anything to do with *****. Good or bad.


Active Member

Originally Posted by rs1831
Maybe this is not a question that is posted a lot but anything to do with *****. Good or bad.
he said it!!!!!!!!!!!
oh gosh


Active Member
Originally Posted by rs1831
Maybe this is not a question that is posted a lot but anything to do with *****. Good or bad.
i know how much you all like to bash ***** but GUESS WHAT???
***** reccomended this site to me!!!! well what do you think of that? what have you all got to say for your self??!!! or i wouldnt be here. too entertain to entertain you guys.. tangs....small... not gonna say it all you know what im talking about :hilarious


Originally Posted by bill109
oh come on i wasnt sure what i was talking about i was a bit confused.. well very actually then i corrected the post. it was only a baby tang :mad:
im new so im never going to hear the end of this :hilarious

ahahhaahha guilty as charged! :hilarious


Originally Posted by teviesfish
Thank you for bring up this point. I too am new to this hobby. But my love for it is no less then anyone elses. I want what is the best for my pets and ill do whatever i need to do. Saltwater tanks are not CHEAP for any of us. I was one that did do research.. i bought the books...i have read and read on this hobby. However sometimes i find that i have a issue that comes up and i cant sit at my computer for three or four hours and hopefully find where i read about this or that. My pets are relying on me for help quickly. And by posting even the what you guys may think is a stupid question may just be that we cant remember and need a reminder. As was said.. .we were all new to this at one time. And as far as i am concered none of us are "experts" and know everything. We are taking a peice of the ocean people ... and trying to put it in our homes. That my posting pals... is a constant learning hobby. be paitent with us "newbies" and instead of not posting our silly questions just help us along and know that when you go to bed at night you may have helped in someone saving thier loving pets!
I agree 100 percent -- I am always reading - learning and still fail at times. I do not want to be afraid to ask for help when I need it.... :happyfish :happyfish


Originally Posted by cjml
I agree 100 percent -- I am always reading - learning and still fail at times. I do not want to be afraid to ask for help when I need it.... :happyfish :happyfish
Glad you agree with me. Its going to be very sad if some new comer sees this post and shys off from asking a question becuase embarrisment and then doesnt get the help that they need and it cost them their pet. ***)


sombody with 1200 posts and asks "i have ick in my reef tank what to do"


Active Member
"What is this hitchiker"? bothers me when someone hasn't checked the hitchiker thread first. But, I guess it's not as easy to find since they moved it to the archives. I wish they would move it back to new hobbyists.


I am a newbie hear of only being in the hobby for a year. This thread could realy keep people from posting here. Some one who is brand new and doesn't know what resorses are out there asks a silly tang question is fine with me. I would rather answer 1000 of the same question and save a little life rather than scare someone away from asking a question because someone here thinks it is stupid and the new person crashes their tank. Be glad they are asking these stupid questions because that is why all the experienced people are here right. To answer newbies "stupid questions" I say ask away new hobbiest ask away!!!!!


Originally Posted by alyssia
"What is this hitchiker"? bothers me when someone hasn't checked the hitchiker thread first. But, I guess it's not as easy to find since they moved it to the archives. I wish they would move it back to new hobbyists.
First, didn't even know there was one???!! Maybe you could just point the newbie in the direction of the information.
Just looked for this......where is this?


I am new to saltwater. I have spent hours reading post after post trying to learn as much as I can. I have found wealth of information. I still have made mistakes, and when I do it is great to have people who take time out of there day to help me. This site is the best, you can buy almost anything you need, and get all the support you need. My hat is off to all people who make this site possible.


i agree that this is not a nice thread. These people come for help and they have questions... although it is kinda tedious to have to explain cycling daily...


I would really like to see some more posts put in the archives of these commonly asked questions. It really sucks trying to wade through the 100s of posts on the same topic, looking for the situation most similiar to mine. Why not instead of complaining about the "stupid" questions asked, write an informed post to have placed in the archives with some general tips on things like: lowering nitrates, moving a tank, cycling, etc. ? However, that being said, I mostly read the posts (rather than posting), but I am REALLY sick of seeing How dod I move my tank?, especially when on the front page there are already 3,4,5 posts asking the same question!


Active Member
While this thread could put people off, I also think there is value in it.
Because often these questions just go unanswered.
Or they are answered in a abrupt/nasty way.
It helps new folks to understand why they may not get answers. It helps to avoid some of the pitfalls.
I think if you are reading this, and are hesitant to ask, don't be. But know a bit more about how to phrase thigns. About what people expect to have as information. About why you may not get answers.
This sort of issue has been addressed several different ways. From things that keep you from anwering to what annoys you to this. It is valuable if not taken personally. Take it as information, like anything else, and phrase your questions accordingly.
But knowing what people find annoying is often a valuable way to get the information you actually want. Several people in this thread have given important pointers on GOOD ways to ask a basic question, and POOR ways to ask that same question.
It is not necessarily about driving people away.
Don't be hesitant to ask, just be smart in how you ask it

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
While this thread could put people off, I also think there is value in it.
Because often these questions just go unanswered.
Or they are answered in a abrupt/nasty way.
It helps new folks to understand why they may not get answers. It helps to avoid some of the pitfalls.
I think if you are reading this, and are hesitant to ask, don't be. But know a bit more about how to phrase thigns. About what people expect to have as information. About why you may not get answers.
This sort of issue has been addressed several different ways. From things that keep you from anwering to what annoys you to this. It is valuable if not taken personally. Take it as information, like anything else, and phrase your questions accordingly.
But knowing what people find annoying is often a valuable way to get the information you actually want. Several people in this thread have given important pointers on GOOD ways to ask a basic question, and POOR ways to ask that same question.
It is not necessarily about driving people away.
Don't be hesitant to ask, just be smart in how you ask it

How about...Why was my thread/post deleted?


New Member
Wow, this tread is unbelievable! I don’t understand why asking questions would be problematic, isn’t this what it’s all about? The fact that people are feeling comfortable enough to ask questions should be seen as something positive, not negative. I’m assuming they only want to do what’s right and after reading these responses, I can see some people not wanting to stick around. How unfortunate! I am new to this forum and I must admit, I have yet to read everything this website has to offer therefore, I might ask a question that has already been asked in the past but I would hope that someone out there would be kind enough to take time out and answer my question without thinking it was “stupid”!!


i think the reason some people get annoyed is because most newbies don't realize there's a "search" option at the top so you can do research on the general questions your going to ask rather than posting first. To some of us it does seem like extra work to have to repeatedly answer the same questions over and over again. I do agree this thread could have been worded better, but it is good information.


I can say that one of the reasons I have posted some of the questions people are tired of answering is that I had the slowest dial-up. I would look and look and either coudn't find what I was looking for or got too many answers and wanted a thread I could "talk" to the person that responded.
I realize that this thread does have value, but in all honesty, it's made me feel bad about questions I've posted (Nitrate lowering and Phosphate lowering in particular).