what salt to use...


Active Member
I have been checking previous threads on salt mixes. I wanted to ask about the type that I use, Corallife salt.
Approximately 0.30 lb. of Corallife Salt dissolved in 1 gallon of distilled water at 78°F, will yield a solution with the following properties*:
Specific gravity - 1.022-1.023
pH - 8.2-8.3
Calcium - 430-450 ppm
*NOTE: Test results may vary with different test methods.
Parameter Suggested Level:
Reef Aquarium Suggested Level:
FOWLR Aquarium Average Level:
Coral Reefs
Specific Gravity 1.023 - 1.025 1.020 - 1.025 1.025
Temperature 72 - 78°F 72 - 78°F 82°F
pH 8.1 - 8.4 8.1 - 8.4 8.0 - 8.5
Alkalinity 8 - 12 dKH 8 - 12 dKH 6 - 8 dKH
Ammonia (NH3) Undetectable Undetectable Near Zero
Nitrite (NO2) Undetectable Undetectable Near Zero
Nitrate - Nitrogen (NO3) < 1.0 ppm < 30 ppm 0.25 ppm
Phosphate (PO4) < 0.2 ppm < 1.0 ppm 0.13 ppm
Calcium 350 - 450 ppm 350 - 450 ppm 380 - 420 ppm
Magnesium 1250 - 1350 ppm 1150 - 1350 ppm 1300 ppm
Iodine 0.06 - 0.10 ppm 0.04 - 0.10 ppm 0.06 ppm
Strontium 8 - 14 ppm 4 - 10 ppm 8 - 10 ppm


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
You can say them brand name.....its OK.
Are those results your test or what they claim ??
Coralife Salt
Thats the results they give for given tank types.


Active Member
I currently use Tropic Marine Pro Reef and found that the cost is prohibitive for what I got. The calcium was over 550 and pH was 7.8. Athough it dissolved nicely it leaves a flim when I got it on my hands. Before that I used Oceanic which also had a high calcium of around 550-600 and pH was low also. Oceanic dissolved well and left no film. Of those brands I prefer the Oceanic cost wise. Next I will try a way cheaper brand like Reef Crystals. JMO
Oops I meant low alk not pH.


Active Member
Corallife salt is okay. I would probably rank it in the middle range with the likes of Instant Ocean, Reef Crystals, Red Sea, etc.
I myself prefer Oceanic, and like Tropic Marin as well. My Oceanic dissolves wonderfully, leaves no film in the water, gives a calcium of 450-500 ppm, a magnesium of 1400, but it is a little low in alkalinity. With a little buffering to my water change water (SeaChem Carbonate Hardness buffer), all is well and I have not had a problem with the salt in the 3 years I have been using it.
Also, just as a side note, talking about products by brand name is perfectly fine. The only thing that is not allowed is directly linking to where one could buy that product at a competitor's website.

tx reef

Active Member
I tried Oceanic and hate it. I measured over 700 cacium and the Alk. was extremely low. It was impossible to keep my alkalinity high enough with all that calcium coming in at every water change.
Tropic Marin Pro Reef is not that expensive ($60 for a bucket that makes 200 gal.) and the calcium was at 480 and the alkalinity was perfect at 3.2.


Active Member
TX-reef you must be getting other batches then me because I just don't see much difference between Oceanic and Tropic Marin Pro reef other then salt texture since TM is very filmy on the hands. Also, TM Pro Reef is about $84.99 after shipping costs. I will never get that again. I have heard about other salts that are around $35-$45 and are perfectly fine for calcium and alk.

tx reef

Active Member
I get it from a LFS for that price. The guy that owns the store gives me a deal on it because I buy so much stuff there.


Active Member
I use Coralife and have no issues. I recently bought some Oceanic and have yet to try it out....Didn't want to shock my system, and am a bit concerned about the reports of low alk., so will probably make two batches (one of each) and then combine them.
Rykna--why don't you like Coralife?


I use Coralife salt and have yet to have a problem with it. I use to use IO but I found that it clumped together and didnt really desolve all that well. Coralife works better then IO in my opinion but I am farley new tot he hobby and only tried the two.


Active Member
I use kent marine. But really its like asking which is better coke or pepsi, its just an personal oppinion.
just my .02


Active Member
I use Corallife as well. It seems to keep my water parameters right where they need to be. I have no complaints. Lion, what makes you say it's in the middle range? Just curious. I've only tried Corallife, Instant Ocean and Oceanic. With IO my calcium took a dive. I didn't notice a big difference between Corallife and Oceanic. Besides the Alk being a little low with Oceanic like you said.


Active Member
I guess I was looking for something that had more buffers added to it so i wouldn't have to keep pouring money into bottled buffers, but I do like coralife. I have never had an problems with it....and after reading the levels in oceanic...yikes! I was also wondering if anyone had noticed any difference in coral growth and health related to the salt they used.


Active Member
I used to use coralife but I switched to IO reefcrystals because it has higher calcium straight out of the mix. never tested the Kh difference though. I have never had a problem with either salt except I had to dose calcium Way more often with coralife to keep my levels up.
anyone use Red sea Reef or Coral Pro? My LFS has a deal for $40 -200 gal of reef or 175 gal for Pro. I've been using oceanic. Is it bad to have calcium levels too high?


Active Member
I tried reef crystals, but didn't like how it mixed. It was very grainy and didn't disolve very well.