What should I be feeding my coral?

Hello Everyone,
I was wondering what should i be feeding my corals?
At the moment I have:
Tooth Coral
ORA Torch Coral
Zoanthids Dragonette
Pulsing Xenia
Pumping Xenia
Ricordea Mushroom
Whisker Coral (Dunkin)
Blue Syndrome
Galaxea Coral (Tooth Coral)
I feed my coral a day before i do my water change with Rod's Food, brine shrimp, and spriula brine shrimp.
Should I be dosing phoy?
I always been target feeding them was just curious if I should dose some phyoplankton xD Just curious that all thanks .
Thanks for the quick reply!
Also Just wonder when i should be aware of my Calcium level going to drop.
I do have a API liquid calcium test which I tested my water before at it was at 440ppm.
I am using Reef Crystal Salt with RO/DI water.
Corals I have what i listed above with some additional corals
Kayne Tree
Candy Cane Button Coral
1 Silver Pulsing Xenia
I always change my water once a week. I never missed and never plan to miss

bang guy

If you do weekly water changes then you are partially replenishng Calcium every week. You probably have a couple years or so before Calcium will be consmed faster than you are replenishing it, unless you purchase more corals ;)
Also, keep in mind that Carbonate Alkalinity is even more important to monitor than Calcium. Do not forget to test.


Generally speaking, the phyto feeds the zooplankton, which is what most corals feed on, so feeding your tank a quality live phyto product such as Phyto2 is a good idea.
The Duncanopsammia should be target fed meaty foods such as mysis.