what should I do with my nem? its bleached and it might die.


Active Member
Ive had a green nem for a while, its not a bubble tip so i guess it is a green long tenticle? Well i've had an aiptasia break out and I have found out about a great way to kill them, almost too great. It is pickling lime and some of it had dropped on my green anemone
now it has bleached and has become half the size it was. My clowns still swim in it but im afraid it might take a turn for the worse and since nems are invertebras I believe it would make the tank parememters go bad correct?
Should I wait it out or take it out?


I wouldn't take it out if it isn't dead...BUT I would watch it closely....I have no clue if pickling lime will kill an anemone, BUT...it may just be mad
Keep your water parameters excellent....maybe change some water if you think you have more lime in it....


Active Member
ive done two water changes since it has happened. Its been bleached for at least a week. Once a nem bleaches does the color ever come back?
Pickling lime burns what it touches in the water. It has been awesome at killing the aiptasia. Not too happy about this though...


I have read where anemones have come back....I do think it takes a while though, and as I said before...conditions must be near perfect


I've had a couple of chiller disasters and both times my RBTA went completely white. Both times, he has come back to his original color. It did take a while though, months... And he hid from the light for a large portion of the time. I never supplemented his feedings or anything, I just left him alone... Oh and twice he got sucked into a powerhead... bleached then too... also got ripped to shreads, and still managed to heal and today he is beautiful...again.