what should i do?


Active Member
My trigger has one cloudy eye! Should i add copper? What food should i feed? Thanks, want him to heal! How dangerous is this situation?


NEVER add copper with your eel!! I'd test the water and do a change if necessary but that's about all I can tell you...


Staff member
Is this a new trigger? Is the eye puffed at all. Will he eat meaty foods soaked in garlic? If so, feed real fresh garlic juices [from minced garlic, not from bottle] 3x a day.


Active Member
new trigger. His eyes is not puffed but its slightly cloudy. And where can i get this garlic? yes hes eating perfect


Staff member
You know triggers can have the appearance of cloudy eyes just naturally. Are they both like that? Can you post a picture?
Garlic? Go to the grocery store and buy a glove of garlic.....


Active Member
ok only eye is cloudy and it seems bad today! So what do i need????? What brand of garlic? How do i use? I CANT LOSE THIS FISH!!!! :help:


Staff member
Just ask your mother GLOVE of Garlic...mince it, preserving the juices for meaty food. Let the food soak in it for 20 mins [in the fridge] then feed to fish.
If that does not work, then you will have to treat him in a QT.
What are your water readings?


Active Member
what kind of medicine should i give him??? My water reading are trate-0 trite-0 ph-8.2 salt-1.024 ammonia-0


Active Member
just looked at his eye, its not really cloudy anymore....theres just a white spot/lump on his eye. Maybe he scratched it?? Lfs told me i should use this type of medicine they have there(they are pretty smart there)


Active Member
it seems like his eye is healing!Its gone to cloudy to not cloudy but there is a white lump on his eye. One more question if a fish had ich would it be all over his body? He has 3 spots on his side and they are not small, maybe sand?had them for 2 days


New Member
My niger has the same problem. He has a cloudy eye, but he also has what looks like patches of dry skin on one side, and a couple of little white growths on his tailfin. Other than that he seems to be fine, he eats well, hes active. What should I do? :notsure:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Yes, ich would be all over his body.
ok so it could be sand, it looks like fine grain of sand. His eye is almost cleared up!!


Active Member
For the future and for others...cloudy eyes/pop-eye is casued by injury, poor water quality or disease. Your case was most likely injury.