what size for an agressive tank???


In my tank i would like 1 or 2 eels, not a sfe (i just dont find them as nice as the other eels). I would also like a clown trigger so it will have to be a larger tank. A harlequin tusk one or two grey angels and like 5-10 damsels. LR and LS would be included and no inverts would be added. So what size tank for all this.


the clown may turn aggressive towards the eels and nip them and same if you get a shark, if you get a dwarf angel instead of two grey angels the tank size will require a lot less


Active Member
Forget about the lookdown. Most people, with a few exceptions (requiem and his 2700 to name one) do not have the tank capacity for a lookdown. This is another fish to add to the Moorish Idol list.


Active Member
I agree that for the livestock you're talking about, I'd go with at least a 300 gallon. Keep in mind that the clown trigger and angels are not compatible with sharks or rays.


Active Member
Yes, I also forgot to mention that. You will have very unhapy and eyeless sharks and rays if you house them with triggers, angels, puffers, wrasses, etc. I would forget about the shark, ray, and lookdowns altogether.


ok so no sharks, rays or triggers, or look down...But i would like an eel or two. And i love grey angels so i want them.. Can i keep 2 grey angels and 2 eels in a 250?


Active Member
Originally Posted by rara12
ok so no sharks, rays or triggers, or look down...But i would like an eel or two. And i love grey angels so i want them.. Can i keep 2 grey angels and 2 eels in a 250?
I'd say yes to that. You could even add 1 or 2 more fish.


whats the smallest tank i can keep these fish in??? Could i also keep like 10 damsels, as little fill ins with out causing the bioloads to skyrocket???


Have you ever seen a full sized Grey Angel?
If you plan on keeping them long term, I'd think a 250 would be too small.


wouldnt get the damsel fish get something like a lion fish those are cool but the trigger MIGHT pick at the lions fins


I dont plan on staying a 250, and im not getting a trigger so a lion might work. My granperents have a 500g and they agreed to take anyfish that outgrowm my tank. Theirs is a semmi agressive fish only.so with all this known can i get the 2 eels and 2 grey angels for the 250?


yeah wont two grey angels fight and i thought any two angels will fight