I'm looking for water volume that you grow algae in and tank size.
Don't count area with bio balls, baffles, or anything else. Just the volume that plants grow in. If you give water chamber dimensions, I can do the math to figure volume.
Bang guy, you just had to do that didnt you lol . . . . robvia that is bang guy's Lagoon, he has a thread all about it. . . lol sorry dont have a fuge or I would tell you the volume...........
I don't have a lagoon...but my refugium(or as I like to call it ... my "supplimental filtration system") is a standard 55 gal. Close to 100 lbs of LR and a 4"-5" DSB. The assorted algaes get harvested weekly...sort of like trimming shrubs or mowing the grass. It is fed water directly from the sump at about 400-500 GPH and returns via a hang on overflow(Lifereef) back to the sump.