Berlin Hang On, hangs onto my sump, with a turbo pump. On a 25 gallon main, 5 gallon sump. Tank will ultimatly be a small reef with a pair of perculas.
I have the aqau c ev120, its an awesome skimmer. I would really like to know if anyone has the titan skimmer and how they are? Also I was thinking about buying an etss but I dunno b/c they are very pricey but I know they are close to the best u can get. what are your opinions?
I voted DIY because I use a modified Seaclone. I pulled out the skinny inner tube, and cut it to about 4 inches and stuck it back in. Dramatically increased contact time, and am producing much better skimmate than it was stock.
maybe not it wont let me owell i would like to know about the titan it looks good almost 3 feet tall mag 5 pump it should be pretty good for $200 hasanyone tried it yet
The people that voted for the kent nautilus how do you like it??? Does it get really nasty stuff in the collection chamber or half water half nasty stuff?