What tank stuff did you get for Christmas?


Active Member
I haven't opened gifts yet, but let's hear about what we all got for Christmas for our tanks!


Active Member
Wife got a 44 Pent for Seahorses. Son got a 24 gallon JBJ Nano cube for a nano reef. I also suprised my wife with a Ribbon eel after she got me that Passer Juvi.


I bought myself a leopard wrasse for my reef tank, and I bought two damsels for my Rhinopius!! The Rhinopius was also an early Christmas present to myself.
The Fam usually gives me gift certificates, but haven't doen presents yet.


i got a 36g bowfront with a black stand :D my first aquarium, so im happy :D and merry christmas everyone


hubby got me a cute clown and a new pink bubble tip anemone that the clown had hosted to at the LFS, picked up the pair for $28.. He also picked up a 20 long to set up as a reef, I was ready to ditch the 10gal. very excited!


Active Member
I haven't gotten squat yet.
This morning was Christmas with wifey and her family. Now we go do my family this afternoon. I expect better results. Let's see what happens...


Originally Posted by TeresaQ

I bought myself a 200g box of salt, some zoe, garlic extreme, and a phospure pad...came last night by Fed exp

I am now going to shop for a new protein skimmer for the 54G...


Well-Known Member
I got myself an IceProbe chiller for the seahorse tank a week or two ago. That was sort of my holiday gift to myself, though. Most of my family are big believers in practical gifts.... clothes, shoes, etc. Wifey surprised me with a sort of non-physical gift... she told me to go ahead and get a particular pricey fish I've been wanting, and also to go get the supplies to finally build the tank hood for the 110g. Not exactly the sort of present you can wrap, but very cool nontheless.
Everybody else got me....hmmm. yup. Shoes and clothes.
What're ya gonna do, it's family!

coral keeper

Active Member
Opened my presents! I got clothing, a wallet with money in it, and a very, very nice heavy duty surge protector from my dad. I did tell him a few weeks ago that I needed a surge protector. lol Going to be going to my other brothers house soon.


The fish store was having a sale on zoos, palys and fish...so got some pinks, teals and blues, all on LR and a cherub angel for my 24 and a small combination bred damsel! It is blue, yellow, brown, all mottled...never seen anything like in before. I am not a damsel person, it is in the 12 alone with a fire shrimp, but must be a combo of a few diff types of damsels! Really odd...will try to get a pic.


Active Member

I already read the first edition earlier this year. It'll be interesting to see what's changed in the hobby in ten years. Stoked!


Active Member
I didn't know a second edition of CMA was out... I'll have to give it a look-see.
Well Christmas gifts are over for us. I got 1 gallon of LSM and CRM, so I'll be able to get that calcium reactor sitting in my garage going on my 2nd tank now.... uhh... I got a $50 visa gift card to spend at an LFS (but which will probably get spent here instead), I think that was it.
I did get a Bosch impact driver that I can use the next time I built a stand or canopy... so that's "kinda" a fish thing....


i got a JBJ A.T.O. and would have got a new MH light but the store was out. i also got a few visa GC's.


Active Member
20 K 150 watt Radium bulb
Chemi pure Elite
Prodibio Nano Reef Kit.
All for June 2010 change out. Just changed everything Dec 15th, so every 6 months. (except the Prodibio use that ongoing and replace when needed)