what temp?


Active Member
Anywhere from 76-84. From my experience, these are the extremes that a home reef can handle, though I've personally settled on 80-82 for my reef.
The most important thing about temperature is to keep it consistent. It's better to keep a reef consistent at 84 degrees than to have it fluctuate from 82 one day to 77 the next and 80 the following day.


Active Member
My LFS told me that 80 is a bit too high for a reef tank. I know, you guys might not trust LFS's, but these guys don't tell me BS to get my money. He said to keep it at 78.


Should it go up and down a few degress with your lights coming on and off at morning and night? dosen't this simulate real enviorment.

bang guy

It depends a lot on the animals you keep.
Keep in mind that many corals completely stop growing below 78F. For Red Sea and most tropicals 78 is the absolute minimum. Carribean Corals have a low end a few degrees below that though.
84F seems to be the ideal for my corals but not for my bank balance. I've settled on 82F in the summer and 80F in the winter as a good compromise between coral growth and money spent heating the water.


The only reason why I had to get a chiller was because when my in sump protein skimmer runs the submerged mag drive pump runs so hot it heats the water up to 87 degrees.
Since I only run my skimmer at night, I was having huge temp shifts. Luckily I noticed this while my tank was cycling, so only lr and ls were exposed to these huge temp shifts.
The chiller has a temp regulator like a refridgerator. It comes on when the temp starts climbing (usually 0.5 degree shift). So, when my lights heat up the water during the day, the chiller kicks on to compensate.


cool, i have a external hang on protien filter. do i need to put that on a timer and only run it at night to. or should i run all the time. i have it running all the time now. to add to my water flow.


It's probably best to run it all the time. I don't run my protein skimmer during the day while the lights are on because it creates to many microbubbles in the tank and I don't like the way it looks. If it didn't make so many bubbles, I would run mine all the time.