what time?


what is the best time to get a new coral?
1. right after a water change
2. a few days in between water changes
3. right before a water change
i just want to no because i plan on getting corals soon(if i can ever get my parental units to take me out there*i cant drive yet*) and i want to know which will be the best for their health


I like to do my after a water change. This is on a 210 gal system. I change out 20 gallons on say Friday night. Then Saturday morning I mix up another 5 gallons and set aside. Then go and pick up corals I have picked out. Come home and drip acclimate them. And finally top off system with new patch of saltwater mixed up ealier in the day. I don't dose my system with any addatives while new corals are getting adjusted. In other words make sure your testing is done and parameters adjusted before introduction of new specimans. Hope this helps.


haha sry that was a stupid question about the rock or sand.. i wasnt thinking
but yea im doing the drip method and its doing great :joy: