what to do to get rid of ammonia????


Active Member
Originally Posted by beenbag497
well the snowflake eel would be better off in my 24 than the ten hes in at the lfs

Keep in mind that at a LFS, livestock come and go, but in your tank it would be there to stay. Most LFS don't have their livestock longer than a month before it's purchased, and that's for the low sales volume stores.


Active Member
Originally Posted by beenbag497
well the guy said it would be ok and he's been in the saltwater business for 45 years so i kind of believe him
They're trying to make money, we're not. Since people on these boards don't charge for their advice, you'll get more honest information here.


Active Member
Originally Posted by beenbag497
well the guy said it would be ok and he's been in the saltwater business for 45 years so i kind of believe him
Wait, is this the same fish store that also told you to use the bottled bacteria to start your tank and on day 4 you can put fish in?
Seriously though, it's starting to seem like you're just waiting to hear 1 response that agrees with you and you'll go with that, no matter how many countless people suggest against doing it. So, it's entirely up to you, but again, if you do it don't expect anyone to help when things go wrong aside from telling you to take the thing back to the LFS.


Monk...I think the thread is fake and he/she is just trying to make people angry. Either that, or he/she is just really young.
Either way, let him do his thing. The more people in this hobby, the higher demand, which means coral shops might start opening in places where they never existed.
And on the LFS keeping eel in small tanks...
What you fail to realize it most fish stores have continuous systems. Each tank is not self-contained. So it may be in a 20 gal tank, but the system could 1000 gallons. In which case, the eel has little/no bioload, and could live in a jar (as far water quality goes).
The LFS has to be responsible too. I know my LFS would not sell this person an eel unless he/she lied about their set-up, which is probably rare.
You really need to place the health of the animal before your wants. Can an eel live in your tank, yes. Will it be happy and healthy, not over the long term. Do what you want but I think by not listening to these guys you are demonstrating extremely poor fish keeping practices. No one here wants to see your tank fail so I can assure you the advice given is usually in your best interest.