What to feed my blue tang?


He is a baby and does not seem all that interested in the flake or small pellet food I feed everyone else. I have tried to give him small pieces of romaine lettuce but he won't eat that either. What do you guys feed your tangs?:notsure:

bang guy

Hippos are mostly Planktivores so stuff like frozen Mysis Shrimp or frozen Plankton are ideal foods. They also require algae for optimum health. IMO Romain is inappropriate. Try a small strip of an algae sheet or some macro algae.


Well-Known Member
Best food for my yellow tang is live macro algae. especially the branched gracillaria type. He is constantly grazing the macros in my system. And after awhile he started eating flake, live brine and just about anything else.
I use a turkey baster to feed the flake. He eagerly comes out and attacks the baster as the flakes spread.


Like bob said. Gracillaria is what I though of when I read your topic. Bang, I didn't know they would like frozen. I want to get a tang and sorry in advance to stealing the thread but does anyone have any good advice for a tang for a 55 gallon? I was thinking of a purple. I won't get one till I have gracillaria growing in my fuge. Good old plant life!

bang guy

Well, Purple Tangs are Zebrasoma sp. they are mostly herbivores with a little animal supplementation. Opposite the Hippo Tangs.
I was answering the question about the Paracanthurus as best I could. I don't know why the subject jumped to Zebrasomas, they do NOT have similar diets.


My tangs love any type of frozen food I feed them. They also like a small sheet of seaweed every once in a while