What type of clownfiish do I have? PICS included


This clownfish, I am assuming it is a she, since she is just a little bigger than her late tank mate. Also I noticed the late clownfish doing the "clown waggle" infront of this one. The clown in the pic (assuming female) beat the hell out of the other and he eventually died.
I am looking to replace him but I want to know exactly what species to get to go with the one in my tank.
Please, from the pic tell me what species of clown to get and what size and qualties should I look for in hopes of having a successful mate ?

bang guy

Hard to tell if it's an Ocellaris or a Percula. I'd lean toward Ocellaris but I need a clear picture. Especially the eye and the dorsal fin.


Just curious, what will the eye tell you Guy?
Percula have bright orange irises, making their eyes appear smaller, whereas Ocellaris have grey/orange irises which make the species eyes appear bigger.
I believe your clowns are False Percula. False Percs. and Ocellaris are the same (Amphiprion ocellaris). I can't really advise you on what personal qualities your next one should have, it's kind of hard to tell they're individual personalities until they're in your tank. The larger more agressive one, is probably a female....but they're gender can change. You might have more success is your next clownfish is a little larger than the current one you have, and I wouldn't suggest mixing different types of clownfish.