What Type of Fish Do YOU Think Is the Most Entertaining????


New Member
I know in my freshwater tank, my Panda cory catfish loved to powerhead surf. Sometimes they'd "catch a current" so fast that they'd go flying across the front of the tank!! I could have watched them for hours doing that!! You could tell they loved it!

I don't have a saltwater tank yet, but I was wondering what you thought was the most entertaining type of fish (or other aquarium critters) that you have (or have had).


I once had a cuttlefish that I thought was the coolest thing in the world. The little dude ate out of my hand and seemed to enjoy the interaction. He was like an oversized “mood ring”. He changed colors faster than anything I had ever seen. I had him for about a year, but I had to give him away when I moved.


Active Member
i had a blue hippo that actually did laps in my tank, it was the craziest thing. all day round and round, barely im mean barely breaking is routine he would go near the rocks. but he literally did laps.............


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I loved my longnose hawkfish (RIP
He was like a puppy.. As soon as I came to the tank he was the first one front and center.
I also love my Fridmani Pseudochromis, though.. I call him Freud because I think he's crazy... He stalks my sally lightfoot all day and does absolutely nothing else


New Member
my fav. fish has to be the Cherub Pygmy angel
crazy little fish extremely active. the one i had spent alot of time doing acrobatics in my tank lol back flips, spins all kinds of crazy things
I miss the little guy


My porc puffer was hands down my favorite, because of his puppy dog like personality. The 2nd favorite could soon become my dwarf lion.


Originally Posted by leftyblite
My porc puffer was hands down my favorite, because of his puppy dog like personality. The 2nd favorite could soon become my dwarf lion.

the porc puffer deffinatly. acts just like a dog. would probably fetch if it could lol. needs a big tank though.


Active Member
I had a 7" pocupine puffer that was unreal. He was like my dog. He would eat right out of my hand when he fed. He would follow me around the room when I would walk. He would spit at me when it was time to eat. He would let me hold him in the water. In fact, when he passed, he did so when I was holding him

My vote is for the puffer. Otherwise, I would say my Tangs are very interesting. I had a Powder Blue that would do figure 8's and then talk to himself against the glass. Pretty amusing.


For FW I would say a dolphin. They are so active and love to be talked to! For SW, I have to go with most hawkfish. My Falco comes when I call him, knows when I am talking about him, spy's on me, and absolutely knows when it is feeding time! He is the cutest by far of all of the fish that I have cared for!!! I could not love mine more if I tried! He is my baby. He comes by name and sometimes I just say, "Where's my baby fish, where is he?" and he comes right up. He is a spoiled little brat! LOL He knows it too! It's ok, he is allowed to be!


My valentini puffer by far, what a personality. He only sleeps in 2 place in my 150 and on both places he hangs his little chin over the side like a puppy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by frh674
my fav. fish has to be the Cherub Pygmy angel
crazy little fish extremely active. the one i had spent alot of time doing acrobatics in my tank lol back flips, spins all kinds of crazy things
I miss the little guy


New Member
I saw this puffer at a LFS this past weekend. He was HUGE!!! His eyes were so "unfishlike," and he followed me when I'd walk past the huge tank. He also had the cutest bucked teeth!!!! He did seem more mammal than fish.


Active Member
Jawfish. I love how mine is constantly rearranging his rock work and grabbing up hermits, setting them in his wall, and then tries to keep them from walking away. And the way he defends his cave from other fish by opening his mouth real wide like hes gonna eat them. They know he is harmless, they just ignore him.


panther grouper. he always would hover around the hermits and when they barley took their head out, he would attack and they would retreat. hermits were ok, i guess it was all fun and games. and the overall personallity. then one morning our tank busted and we had to sell all the livestock. if i ever get a large tank again, he is definatly on the stocklist.(if its not a reef)


my Papuan Toby Canthigaster papua was soo full of personality, he was always excited to see you and eager to eat anything at all, i think all puffers are full of personality and a great addition to tanks.


Originally Posted by psu
My valentini puffer by far, what a personality. He only sleeps in 2 place in my 150 and on both places he hangs his little chin over the side like a puppy.
Diddy is so full of personality and loves to eat from my hand. He'll follow me across the glass, from end to end. There's only one place he sleeps in "his" tank, but he is the last to go to bed.


Active Member
well, my clownfish is always cute to whatch cause they swim wierd. i've not got my octo and own't for a while but i bet that will be.
i'd have to say my old brackish puffer fish was probably the most entertaing. sadly he died after a week or less do to ammonia (long story). but he was very intertaining and smart.