what was the worst advice your lfs gave you?



Originally Posted by SCSInet
I once overheard a guy in an LFS tell a customer that he could treat a shark with copper. I got kicked out of that store for what came next.
SCSInet getting removed from store.....



Active Member
On what dark said, i think with MH lighting you don't need to feed your BTA at all. Especially with clowns throwing food their way. I feed mine because it is fun to watch, but not necessary when you have good lights.
As for the LFS - "PC lighting is the way to go with anemones, 2.5 watts per gallon, I would be happy if i was an anemone with that" - really? really!?
Although i agree sometimes LFS give advise to produce a sale, i think everything shoudl be taken with a grain of salt. ALthough the old saying (on this site) of "we aren't selling you anything so you should listen to us instead of a store trying to make a sale." While i agree with a part of that, a lot of people on this site have nothing to lose. I would say 80% of the advice is good, some of it is not that great. While we don't have anything to gain for giving advise, we also have nothing to lose. So what if i tell dark that he should feed his anemone copper tablets and florecent lighting, what do i have to lose? Nothing. While a store has their business credibility on the line when giving advise. So while some of it may be bending some truth to make a sale, i would say the majority of it is advise that the LFS truely thinks is good (doesn't mean it is good advise).
You also have to realize it is a business, and it isn't economically feasable as a LFS to put one tang in their own 75 gallon tank, with 80 lbs of LR, ect. YOu get the idea. Because ideally they will sell that product within week or two.
Sorry for the rant, i just think that sometimes LFS get a bad rap because they are a business, and the belief that they have EVERYTHING to gain from giving you crap advise is not accurate (although sometimes it is). Then again sometimes businesses don't care about their reputation and image.
Just my 2...


Active Member
Today I went to wal-mart to grab a small heater for my nano tank.
While I was there a lady said look at our new puffers these would go great in your swt..
They are fresh water puffers... She thinks they will adapt. I asked what training they get in the fish dept at wal- mart she said the store bought her a book.

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by Fats71
Today I went to wal-mart to grab a small heater for my nano tank.
While I was there a lady said look at our new puffers these would go great in your swt..
They are fresh water puffers... She thinks they will adapt. I asked what training they get in the fish dept at wal- mart she said the store bought her a book.
Wow! you're gutsy. You do realize that part of the reason that Wal-Mart can sell electronic items cheaper than most other stores is because they pay name brand companies to do a seperate production run with cheaper components?! I would never put any Wal-Mart product in one of my aquariums, but especially not a heater in a nano. IMO you are flirting with disaster.


Originally Posted by Fats71
Today I went to wal-mart to grab a small heater for my nano tank.
While I was there a lady said look at our new puffers these would go great in your swt..
They are fresh water puffers... She thinks they will adapt. I asked what training they get in the fish dept at wal- mart she said the store bought her a book.
Actually those puffers at Walmart can go fresh or salt. They are brackish(sp?)
They are maby people who have done it with the ones from walmart. Same with there dragonfsh.
Also, I would take back the heater. I bought mine there a few months back for my 55 and it never turned off! My tank got to 87 before I realized it! I was told it was a "dud" I returned it for a new one and it did the same thing after a few days.


"you can put 3 anemones together in a 12 gallon tank, and a 13 watt compact florescent bulb is plenty of light".....HA!


good gosh, i got the same advice with the anemone not needing specific light, stock tank after a week of cycling, the wrong fish to put together.
and sooooo much more.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scopus Tang
Wow! you're gutsy. You do realize that part of the reason that Wal-Mart can sell electronic items cheaper than most other stores is because they pay name brand companies to do a seperate production run with cheaper components?! I would never put any Wal-Mart product in one of my aquariums, but especially not a heater in a nano. IMO you are flirting with disaster.

It is temp whisper heater just getting my nano cycled until I get to saint louis next weekend no fish in the tank just one live rock and some copodes or however you spell it.


Originally Posted by bonita69
All I know is I have MH for him, I spot feed him once a week. I tell you by the end of the week he is wanting food. After he gets fed and finishes he spreads wide open and looks so awesome. My 2 clowns also give him a little bits of food. They do it in the wild too. Proper Lights are important and they can not live without them your right about that one! I look at it this way if they don't "need" to eat then why do they have a big mouth?

GREAT answer!


Sorry but I have to chime in,
I work at a "LFS" and I have had many people tell me what they have been told and or done. I tell people that if you want anemones you have to have the same light that you would need to raise corals. I would rather tell you up front that I don't know and find out than feed BS. If you enjoy the hobby/addiction you will come back. If you get angry and frustrated then you won't. It's a great hobby, many many people stop once or twice a week just to see the fish. The Achilies (sp) tang makes people look and apreciate the beauty of saltwater fish. I constantly grab a book or the owner with 27 years of SWF for answers. I do have a 30, 55, and getting close to setting up a 90. (have to run power). Sorry about the long winded post, yes there are some crappy shops out there but some good ones to.


i dont think these guys meant to attack any LFS employee...it's just some of them just open their mouth when they dont know anything about everything....
my worst advice from LFS :
"Well,these are Saltwater fishes...you have to have a saltwater in order to buy this fish...want to see some more saltwater stuff ??"
i wont forget that words....and now im addicted...LOL...cant stop thinking about my fish,my shrimp,my snails...even at work i look like a freak who talks only about SW,and now i dont have any friend at lunch....darn you LFS !!!!!


Had a new customer come in with a 46 gallon corner tank. Just strted doing his own cleanings. Wanted a sifting fish for his alge problem. I asked how is the tank stocked, 1 yellow tang, 1 kole, 1 hippo, for starters. Didn't really hear what else all told 6 more fish on top of those. Topping off with tap water, I just kept saying really, really, really, "Been good for years this other guy has been doing my cleanings but now I'm going to do it." Water test??? whats that? You won't sell me a porcupine puffer?? why not? The other guy said it would be fine. Lighting?? what do you mean what kind of lighting, you know the bulbs are round.
I'm serious, sometimes its truly amazing, I know this is not a LFS bashing thread even if it was it's fine. When customers like this come in and will not for what ever reason listen all you can do is shake your head and wonder.
No you cant just add salt to your tank to go from .018 to .026, No you can't put 8 fish in a 14 gallon nano, no not even if they are small. No, table salt is not the same thing sorry. Yes I know that damsels are fast but that lion fish will still eat them, yes I'm sure. Yes if you leave your water out on the deck over night (low 40"s) then do a 20% water chang on a 14 gallon nano things may die.
Sorry folks just a few things I remembered. Enjoy


Active Member
Worst advice my LFS gave me:
"Oh yeah... You should DEFINITELY go with a saltwater tank!"
I have yet to find a rehab clinic to fit my needs...


I have the glorious title of being the 'certified aquatics specialist' at P'co in my city. I hate hearing all the bashing of the terrible advice they give. BUT I will tell you why. They hire anyone and all you need to do take a little test to get certified. And I guarantee these people giving the bad advice follow the extreme B.S. P'co corporate tries to feed their employees. I am well versed in the ways of freshwater and know my way around salt water. I admit I turn more people away from my department than sell. And I do not care for the tanks per the P'co policy. And this is why my district manager hates me. But I have many return customers Especially in saltwater.
I could go into all the dumb stuff they want us to do, But clean sparkling tanks is more important than medicating sick fish. Which is not aloud. As far as they are concerned. Freshwater and saltwater baths cure everything. I medicate all the time.
I would rather tell the idiots 'Hell no, its not going to work. and i highly suggest not doing it.' Than have them coming back blaming me. 95% of the people I deal with everyday think fish dont live longer than 3 months and that fish are a disposable pet.
Number 1 comment that makes me want to slap people as they walk out of my department with a bagged fish. After I have asked them all the nessecary questions.
'Well we'll see if these guys can last longer than a week' or
'How many neons can I put in this 1/2 gallon bowl'
I just decided to rant to say we are not all bad, But I can see how most are.


Actually there is one ***** out here where the Salt Water fish always look good, and none are dying.
The new ***** is horrible. They just leave dead fish in there tanks and the d-bags that work there say "yeah, we're working on cleaning those up." You cant even see into their tanks because theyre so disgustingly dirty.
Wow p-co is really bad. I work at the other major pet store thats "smart" * coughcough * and we may not sell saltwater but our policies are 100x better. We have to take any sick or injured fish we find and put them in one of the sick tanks ( Different ones for different aggression levels ) where they receive medicated food, a different medicine at alternating times and a weekly 20% water change. All tasks must be signed off on and taken responsibility for so their is no not doing it. Also, holy filter system batman. We have so many kinds of filtration that it makes even my head spin with routine maintenance tasks being performed daily. Everybody has tank designations to clean so they always look spotless at all times unless they want to get in trouble or spoken to. Of course, this is policy for all "smarts".
The "smart" I work at was the #2 selling and rated store of all "smarts" in the United States for quite some time, as has now dropped to the top 10 selling in the country...


There is a girl that works at th ***** near me who is just the def of stupid! I acted like I knew nothing and this was the advice she gave me. ( The ***** is nice it is just her!)
" I think that yellow tang would do good in your 10gallon. I also think you should get the sailfin or kole to go with it, or the koran angel."


Active Member
I have to laugh at some of these stories and consider myself lucky.
Worst thing I got was "Why not try saltwater?" And here I am today...