Wow, there certainly have been a few! The one that sticks out most in my mind was with a guy named Brendon?? I don't really remember his name, that's how bad it was, and how bad I want to forget! My friend Stacy was dating a guy named Nick. It was during the summer, so she asked me if I wanted to go swimming and jump off bridges with them, and I said yea sure. When they picked me up, I noticed an extra body in the car...I'm like Oh No tell me this is not what I think it is. I got in the car, and gave her a dirty look because she mentioned something to me about Brendon? coming with us(who I knew sort of through my younger brother). Everything was fine until we went to a lake. We were swimming, and I burped. Big deal, I don't care guys do it all the time, girls can do it too. It's not like I belched one nasty burp out. I even said excuse me!(I am not a pig by any means!). And from then one, he was such a $%^& to me! All he could say was how gross I was and made this huge deal out of it! I was like you know what, why the hell is it such a problem to you? And he just said cuz it is. I couldn't believe it. Any he had the B%^&s to try to kiss me! When I said no, and the face I gave him, it wasn't a very fun ride home! And from then on, until I finally blocked him on AIM, he would IM me NONSTOP and just harass me, and ask me all these stupid questions, and just run his mouth about stupid stuff. Let me tell you, it was a NIGHTMARE. I have never been treated so bad over something so stupid!