What would you do???


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW http:///forum/thread/386734/what-would-you-do#post_3398674
Darth (new a guy get beat by a lady and never had a scratch or bruise. Died from a brain hemorage) Tang
AH...so very true, adults have no business fighting like two year olds. Adult fighting is serious and dangerous. Women are more likely to pick up an object or knife and through it or hit with it. That's why I explained...a fist. It is not proper behavior nor the right way to handle disagreements, male or female. My sister was very much in the wrong, but my brother in law handled the situation even worse. Drinking was the key reason there was any problem to begin with. Sad thing...when Rick quit drinking and acted like a good husband, she left him. He died of heart failure about 10 years later....and her adult son now beats her up. (he is in jail right now)
I was married 33 years, and we never hit each other....over the years we had lots of screaming matches, door slams and cruel remarks but no hitting. My son's wouldn't hit a woman for all tea in china. Abuse really does affect the kids.


Active Member
I generally have a 45 auto in the truck when I am on the road. I would stop and call the cops making sure the douchebag knew I had and then just let it play out. If he started beating her don't know what I would do. In my crippled state I would probably be forced to shoot the guy to get him off her.


LOL....MONSI....I am very disappointed...although for some reason not surprsised :(
As I said earlier....I waited for the guy to be away from her before I stopped......believe me.....if he had started to come back..I would have floored it....LOL
I could not in good conscience do nothing......right thing....wrong thing....IDK...but not nothing


Active Member
I have never hit my wife...when she didn't deserve it. Hee hee that never gets old! I've never hit or hurt her. I kinda kept in the back watching the posts. I have intervened once and all I did was tell the man too lay off and that I called the rollers and the crazy-@ss woman came after me. So I jumped in my car and watched as he started wailing on her again. I took off when the cops showed. I figured I gave her a chance and it was up to her to decide if she wanted protection from the lunatic or if she would cover for him.


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/386734/what-would-you-do/20#post_3398722
LOL....MONSI....I am very disappointed...although for some reason not surprsised :(
As I said earlier....I waited for the guy to be away from her before I stopped......believe me.....if he had started to come back..I would have floored it....LOL
I could not in good conscience do nothing......right thing....wrong thing....IDK...but not nothing
If he is stupid enough to go after a pregnant woman, he deserves everything he gets. So run his ass over and say you forgot your glasses that day.
If she was dumb enough to sleep with him and got knocked up by that moron, then.......
Either way, morons dont need a hand to be assisted out of the abyss. Due to modern medicine, natural selection doesnt exist any more. People who cant get preggers get invitro and then reproduce when nature stated that they shouldnt have in the first place.
People die every day. People do stupid things every day, like spell knew as new. But this doesnt concern me and I do not need to get involved in something that doesnt concern me. Odds are, that kid and its mom will end up on welfare or WIC. Its another mouth that I cant afford to feed.


I can't live with that line of thinking.....my ex husband was a drunken physical abuser....does that make me a moron???/ I had 4 kids and thought I was stuck....doesthat make me a moron? ALTHO I NEVER would have thought of welfare....maybe if I had..I could have gotten out sooner....does that make me stupid???
AND NOOOOOO...there are good people in this world who just get bad deals sometimes.....and YES....they deserve a chance to be helped..once, twice, maybe even 3x.......not everyone who is abused is lower class or on welfare......I sure as hell am neither of those....
you want to live in a bubble Monsi...then good for you.....I DON'T......I live in a world with other people....good and bad...poor and rich...fat and skinny...I am not their judge..Nor are you...if I need a hand I hope there is someone there for me....as I would be for someone else if I could be


Active Member
I have helped many inpoverished people and seen them destroy their lives over and over. Sure, some correct their mistakes. Some make something of themselves. But more often than not, they stay in thier ill ways and nothing takes them out of the slums or their poor lives.
You made a change for the good. Good for you. There are always exceptions to the rules. And I too know of people who were not poor or 'stupid' or whatever that abused each other. Its not good and it never is. But what one does to get out and get on the right track is what is important. Who knows what happened to that girl. who knows what she is going to do. Odds dictate that she and her child will be a drain on society. I have seen millions and millions of government dollars wasted first hand. I am tired of it.
Welfare needs to have more limitations now. Job Corps needs to end now. Section 8 for illegal aliens needs to stop.


Originally Posted by Monsinour http:///forum/thread/386734/what-would-you-do/20#post_3398783
If he is stupid enough to go after a pregnant woman, he deserves everything he gets. So run his ass over and say you forgot your glasses that day.
If she was dumb enough to sleep with him and got knocked up by that moron, then.......
Either way, morons dont need a hand to be assisted out of the abyss. Due to modern medicine, natural selection doesnt exist any more. People who cant get preggers get invitro and then reproduce when nature stated that they shouldnt have in the first place.
People die every day. People do stupid things every day, like spell knew as new. But this doesnt concern me and I do not need to get involved in something that doesnt concern me. Odds are, that kid and its mom will end up on welfare or WIC. Its another mouth that I cant afford to feed.
"If she was dumb enough to sleep with him and got knocked up by that moron, then....... """" "
I could run with this one.........but, alas.........I will walk away the victor in the game of maturity............

darthtang aw

Active Member

"If she was dumb enough to sleep with him and got knocked up by that moron, then....... """" "
I could run with this one.........but, alas.........I will walk away the victor in the game of maturity............
I'm not.
I could easily say the same about you monsi.
What tax dollars? Last we heard you werent working. Collecting unemployment, all the while your wife is operating and running her own business. An income you benefit from and could easily assist with. Yet you sit and complain about someone young, that got in a bad situation and have the nerve to pass judgement and complain about them possibly ending up on wlefare or wic. Many a military family is on wic. I suppose they are ingrates and a waste of natural selection as well........so sit there all smug....and remember, that is my tax dollars you are collecting when you could be working yourself with your wife.
Darth (hey, Slayer and motorhead is on palladium) Tang

darthtang aw

Active Member
Meowzer, you did right. To many people worry about just themselves...the caring human spirit is lacking more and more in this country.
Darth (everyone deserves a little help) Tang


Active Member
Meowzer. That was a very "un-gheigh" gesture to help that woman. Kudos to you for helping your fellow man....who is, in fact, actually a woman.

If I am ever pregnant and on the side of the road being manhandled by a fat slob, I hope you drive by.
...........and to answer your question, yes, I would have stopped.


Active Member
meowzer, did right, as a female..... Sometimes when a guy storms in, plays hero, knocks the other guy out or whatever, the former damsel in distress, will then turn on the help. Having seen this happened before, I would be hesistant to just jump right in there. Driving by 3 times and observing the situation for about 5mins was probably enough to get a good read of what was happening. If intervening/helping would have meant jeopardize yourself, etc. If it were a guy in the same spot, it would have probably been wise to just lay back, call the proper authorities, and if the situation escalates to point you may need to do something (I couldn't just sit back and watch a guy pound on a girl, esp. since I tend to have half a foot and 50lbs on those types of guys anyways...), then do so.
A girl running and yelling "he grabbed me/he's attacking me" doesn't really provide much info... He could have "grabbed" her because she was about to jump out of a moving car. Maybe even with some thought of caring for his unborn child as well. Now with her running off, he's in fear he'll get trouble for honestly doing to the right thing. Someone seeing this girl and him going after her doesn't know fully what happened, and now the guy looses it on you as well. Unlikely, but it could happen...
For the other stuff in the thread, I agree with what everyone has said (as cliche as that is). Reef's if a girl wants to hit me like a man, she better be ready to get hit like a man... Monsi's, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink. People sometimes will need a hand reached out to them in life, but when you extend your hand out to help, having it figuratively slapped away, is probably one of the most frustrating things in life. For a girl to fall in love, and then things change and get physical, is truly heart wrenching. I can easily see how they think they have no escape, esp. if there's a marriage and kids involved. But for a girl to already knew a guy's previous history, and even entertain of the idea of thinking they could make it work, is absolutely mind-blowing and I too would have very little remorse....


Adults should not lay hands on each other period. A woman should get into just as much trouble as a man for breaking that rule. I know several women who go through life literally pounding on their partner. I would venture that I know more women who hit men than men who hit women, that's sad.
I will say though that the men who do lay hands on women often are more violent and actually mean to cause bodily harm.
However, those that have been around here a while know that I moved to MA, 1200 miles away from friends and family and my partner just wigged. I had never even seen a hint of violent tendancies in over 10 years. Once I was isolated and a little homesick and sad, he started with the control issues and when caught creepily prowling the internet for young girls, he tried to kill me. I was afraid to go to the police, afraid to make a phone call for fear he would think I was reporting him and would kill me. I had no doubt in my mind that he meant it.
I will be eternally grateful to my neighbor, who didn't know me at all, who came into my house and probably saved my life. Without him, I probably wouldn't be sitting here today.
So Meowzer, while it was terribly risky and probably stupid, it was a very brave and amazing thing you did.


Active Member
Originally Posted by smartorl http:///forum/thread/386734/what-would-you-do/20#post_3398909
Adults should not lay hands on each other period. A woman should get into just as much trouble as a man for breaking that rule. I know several women who go through life literally pounding on their partner. I would venture that I know more women who hit men than men who hit women, that's sad.
I will say though that the men who do lay hands on women often are more violent and actually mean to cause bodily harm.
However, those that have been around here a while know that I moved to MA, 1200 miles away from friends and family and my partner just wigged. I had never even seen a hint of violent tendancies in over 10 years. Once I was isolated and a little homesick and sad, he started with the control issues and when caught creepily prowling the internet for young girls, he tried to kill me. I was afraid to go to the police, afraid to make a phone call for fear he would think I was reporting him and would kill me. I had no doubt in my mind that he meant it.
I will be eternally grateful to my neighbor, who didn't know me at all, who came into my house and probably saved my life. Without him, I probably wouldn't be sitting here today.
So Meowzer, while it was terribly risky and probably stupid, it was a very brave and amazing thing you did.
Thank god you did not live next to Monsinour!!!

darthtang aw

Active Member

Thank god you did not live next to Monsinour!!!  
You have just received a day pass free from darthtang sarcasm and ridicule.
Darth (use it wisely) Tang

darthtang aw

Active Member
Oh I learned something alright. Because of Lucas, it is still cool to own toys in your 30s.
Darth (star wars lunch box circa 1978 for sale on ebay) Tang