I had been going over and matencing 2 saltwater tanks one is fish only 125 the other reef 110 my old tank....Every week for the past mouth there water was so bad and everything was dyeing and i took up the challance to get these tanks under control...Sence i have started the 125 is a hug difference they had about 6 inches of sand and that was my first thing with that tank i took it down to about 2 to 3 inches,they hadent changed there filter media in a year ya i said it a year
so sad there are peaple like this.... the fish are happier and swimming around more know and have stopped dying....But the reef tank is driving me nuts the rocks where all covered in hair algea red slime and just nasty ,corals where just about all dead but fish where fine ...sence i have started i have treated the tank with cemmy clean the red algea is gone hair algea is gone but there is this nasty grean brown tint to the rocks i tryed scrubbing them to come back the next week and they where the same all over again...i have had them cut back mh to 6 hours a day...but not sure what to exspect ...Any suggestions
sad thing is this is my hubbys aunt and uncle i remember going to there house with my mom and a child and admiring there saltwater tanks..Know they come over and do that with mine and always asking me why theres dont look that good..And i have seen them go to the pet store and spend 300 a pop and everything would be dead in a week ...many times over ...this is why im trying to help them but know i need some help with what to do next....
sad thing is this is my hubbys aunt and uncle i remember going to there house with my mom and a child and admiring there saltwater tanks..Know they come over and do that with mine and always asking me why theres dont look that good..And i have seen them go to the pet store and spend 300 a pop and everything would be dead in a week ...many times over ...this is why im trying to help them but know i need some help with what to do next....