Whats a good Pump for Fuge?


I am doing a 10g fuge for a 29g display and will use a lifereef overflow box system. What kind of pump should i get for 10x turnover???
Also, where is a good place to buy tubing and bulkheads?


FYI, 10x turnover for a fuge isn't very efficient for nutrient export. 3-4 is better. HOWEVER, if your turnover isn't semi close to the rating of your overflow, you risk trapping bubbles in it and loosing siphon.
but to better answer your question, what size plumbing do you plan to use and how much head height will you have. I'm a big fan of Danner magdrive pumps.


I am using a reeflife overflow box which has a 1 in male piece for tubing........so I guess 1 inch. I am not sure exactly what kind of plumbing I should use.....PVC, something that can bend....
I also dont know what you mean by head weight:confused:


I really meant return plumbing, from the pump to tank.
head height is the height that the pump must raise the water. This distance is the water lvl of the fuge to the highest point the plumbing will run. Head is the biggest killer of lost volume. Next to that is probably a SCWD
. Nah, seriously the next killer is friction loss, the smaller diameter the return plumbing and restrictions from fittings the more you'll lose.


I'd say it has to pump approx 4'
Also, this may be a stupid question, but what type of plumbing should I use. The fuge is below the main tank, but not directly, its off to the right side. Will I need flexible tubing or can I just angle straight PVC?


You can use ridgid PVC or you can use a flex tubing. SPAflex is a good choice and can be glued to PVC fittings. Try to avoid sharp bends and when using PVC, try to avoid 90s. Also try to avoid clear tubing that will allow algae to grow.
I'll suggest a mag5. You could phisically use a mag7 but you're loosing efficency on nutrient export. You can always use the larger pump and use a valve or bypass to lower the output.
Whatever you do, make sure the pump doesn't outflow your overflow. 1" overflow will move about 600 GPH. I'm estimating you'll have about a total of 5' worth of head after the rise and friction.
what no PM's? I've got a source for a chart on the mag pumps head losses but posting to other retailers is probably forbidden.


One more question.....where is a good place to order mag pumps or are they about the same price anywhere?


I hope I'm not breaking any rules, *********** has some of the best prices next to ---- for magdrives.
they are listed under powerheads at *********** because they are internal pumps.