What's in a name?


Active Member
"Pez" is like 'pet fish' in Spanish. Don't be confused with "pescada."
"Enfuego" is sort of like "on fire."
I am a boyscout and I really like fire-building. When I chose that name, I had just made my first fire-by-friction using all natural materials. If you've done this before, you probably know that it isn't the easiest thing in the world to do.
I have never changed my avatar, I'm waiting for a special day that won't be here for several months. I'll only change it for that one day and then that's it.


Active Member
I mainly just start off topic threads that are REALLY cool.


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Buddy of mine started calling me "The Dragon" back when I was 18 and got a tat of a large dragon on my left arm. Zim is the 1st 3 letters of my last name. Been using DragonZim on every forum and personal email addresses for years now.


Active Member
Mine is SO unoriginal … MR cause I am a guy and DC are my initials. I need to come up with something better like
My Reef Deserves Current or something like that.


Active Member
Mine ironeagle2006 is explained like this. Ironeagle was my old CB handle when I drove OTR trucks for a living. How I got that handle was a story itself. Imagine a truck getting ripped to pieces the cab is on its side the frame is stripped and you walk away from it. Someone goes you had to be made of Irone to walk out of that Eagle. See the truck was a IH 4070 with an Eagle upgrade. 2006 can be explained like this that was the Year I got FREEDOM from my ex wife yet also got Remarried to the love of my life all in one year.


Active Member
Shogun = Taken from an old Clutch song called "A Shogun named Marcus."
323 = In the days of beepers we would use a code so people knew who it was paging them. I used 323.
I suddenly feel old. :(


Active Member
Originally Posted by shogun323
Shogun = Taken from an old Clutch song called "A Shogun named Marcus."
323 = In the days of beepers we would use a code so people knew who it was paging them. I used 323.
I suddenly feel old. :(
All these years I thought your name meant you liked samurais lol


Active Member
Reef Raff, Happened to be listening to AC/DC when I was signing up and the song Riff Raff came to mind.
I've used other names on boards, The Salt Creep, The Grim Reefer. Just fun with word play.