What's in your sump?


Heaters, protein skimmer, carbon reactor, phosphate reactor. Very porous sponge for pods and beneficial bacteria growth. Ato


Active Member
return pump, skimmer, cheato, rubble rock, cerith snail, hitcher stomatella snail, isopods, amphipods, copepods, and the itty bitty peppermint shrimp now more than 2 inches long, sand, bristle worms, spagetti worms, chemi-pure elite, um ........ other critters I am sure. My sump isnt large enough for my heater or else it would be down there as well.


Active Member
3 pumps, skimmer feed pump, refugium feed pump, and the return pump. AquaC EV240 skimmer, and just a bit of live rock to help with the line coming from the refugium. If you count the refugium as part of the sump, mine has about 40lbs of sand, 50lbs of live rock, and a nice clump of Caulerpa Prolifera. Sump is a 40gal breeder, and the refugium is a 55gal