whats in your tank


2 gold stripe maroon clowns
paddlefin wrasse (About to leave the tank any day now i am goin to take him back to the lfs hes getting to mean my maroons are scared to death cause he grabs them and shekes them by there fins when i turn on the light. and he fights them when its time to eat )
sf eel+


if your tank just cycled then you can start off with some clowns, another good fish would some sort of wrasse. most wrasses are pretty hardy, i think the second fisht i put in my tank was a pakistan butterfly and then a regal angle. everyone said those are some of the hardest fish to keep but no problem with them


Ok thank you ,my kids want the finding nemo lol.I myself love lion fish.they say clowns are easy,i like some of the tangs to.lion fish are out only because there are not a whole lot of fish that can go in with them so i'm told.How long does the cycle take ? like i said my fish went in on sat and my ammonia went high now it's leveling off itself


Active Member
Cycle time is usually 4 to 6 weeks...check your ammonia nitrites and nitrates every couple of days and dont add any more fish to the tank untill ammonia is 0 nitrites are 0 and nitrates are below 10.


my readings are ammonia 1.0,ph 8.0,nitrate 2 is 0,nitrate3 is 5.0 salt is perfect.I called the pet store they said it is just high from cycling to leave it alone.tank has run for a week but fish went in sat

mastino mike

700plus 8total
1 queen angel
1 blue face angel
1 emperor angel.
1 yellow tang
1 hippo tang
1 chocolate tang
1 sailfin tang
1 yellow eye kole tang
All growing and healthy.


1 yellow tang
1 false perc
1 yellow tail damsel
1 MIA yellow coris wrasse
1 pepermint shrimp
bunch of hermits and snails

mastino mike

My emperor and queen get along fine. My emperor chases my blue face during feedings. MY camera sucks so bare with me.


thank you greatfulreefer,i'll do that
Mike gorgeous tank what's your back drop?
greatfulreefer how often do you do water changes? i was told once a month

mastino mike

The tank is sealed with a pondliner. Its a plywood tank with acrylic front. Its not as nice as an all acrylic but it was cheap to build.