whats in your tank


Active Member

Originally posted by samantha68
greatfulreefer how often do you do water changes? i was told once a month

Actually i found a great benefit in doing 5% change 2 times weekly does wonders in keeping my levels steady.


Active Member

Originally posted by samantha68
i was told the bigger the tank the less problems,i know my protein skimmer helps too

You have been informed correctly, the larger the volume of the tank the easier it is to keep stable but you still have to maintain regular water changes or your just asking for trouble.


oh i know i need reg water changes ,i was just wondering how often......? for you with a clown i hurd you need anemone,what exactly is that?


i have a 120 with sailfin tang, maroon clown, sunburst anthias, blue assessor, royal gramma, 3 green chromis, lawnmower blenny, strawberry dottyback (dont do it, theyre MEAN!).
In my 55 i have a snooty maori wrasse (aka scarlet hogfish) and a azure damsel. so far. :)



Originally posted by samantha68
lion fish are out only because there are not a whole lot of fish that can go in with them so i'm told.

Where did you hear that? Lionfish are non-aggressive fish. They will perch on rocks and hang out most of the day. The only thing that can't go with a lion is anything that will fit in its mouth.
They're beautiful fish and make a good addition to any tank.



Originally posted by samantha68
oh i know i need reg water changes ,i was just wondering how often......? for you with a clown i hurd you need anemone,what exactly is that?

You don't need
an anemone. The clown will live fine on its own. If you want to make it happier though, buy it a mate (if it is still very young) or buy 2 that are already together.
An anemone is an invertebrate. A type of polyp, closely related to the coral family.
Most species of anemone require very high lighting.


3-green chromis
Maculosus Angel
Queen Angel
Yellow Tang
Niger Trigger
Dolaisis Rabbit(sp?)
Diamond Goby
All currently in a 125gal reef. Soon they will be in a 240gal. I'm thinking about getting rid of the trigger during the switch over though..:thinking:


I have a 55 gal.
so far I have,
2 percula clowns
1 purple firefish
2 cleaner shrimp
1 blood red fire shrimp (that eats off my hand, he's quite friendly for a shy shrimp:D )
snails and blue-legged hermit crabs


tank 1
Humu Trigger
Niger Trigger
Scorpion Fish
tank 2
perc clown
yellow watchman goby
snails and hermits
Brittle star
tank 3 is in cycling process


Hi Samantha, I am relatively new also, but my lfs recommended something called Bio-Spira. It almost immediately (within 15 minutes) cycled my tank down to 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites and very low (i forget the actual reading) nitrate. I was amazed at how well this stuff worked. Does any one else have any experience with it? I have a 125 with 3 shrimp, copperbanded butterfly, yellow tang, flame angel, 2 sebae clowns, maroon clown, skunk clown, lunare wrasse, cleaner wrasse, grouper, firefish goby, lawnmower blenny and 5 damsels (2 of which I'm taking out soon cause they're to darn mean), choclate chip star, serpant star, 2 anenomes, fighting conch and numerous hermit crabs and snails. Good Luck!


Active Member
Anything that brings your levels to 0 in 15 mins would greatly concern me. Sounds like a quick fix to me, in 15 mins bacteria would not have time to colonize in your tank and filters. A cycle is a natural LONG 4-6 week process. Dont mess with nature it will bite you in the long run. As soon as you add livestock to your tank IMO your levels would skyrocket, stick to the proven NATURAL method and enjoy you tank for many years to come.
Just my opinion not meant to insult the intelligence of your LFS.


i used bio-support and it jump started the tank i took my water in for testing to the store it as fine .....so i got a blue hippo tang and a naso tang