I'm a newbie you could say. I'm actually a teen, pretty happy with my tank. I've got a 55 Gallon, everything is nice and well. My Live Stock:
-Yellow Tang= Not quite full grown, but not quite Juvenile
-Rock Beauty Angel= 3", only has one eye (lol, got at LFS for $35 off original price, named him "lefty:, extra hardy though, that's a plus)
-Long Nosed Hawk= about and inch and a half, cool fish
-Royal Gramma= Same as hawk, very skittish, named him "twitch", lol.
-Lawnmower Blenny
-Sebae Anemone
-Bubble Tip anemone
Sad story, but I had a nice group of clowns once, that's why I have the anemones. You see, I started out with two clowns, one Clarkii and one false perc. They got along great. Then I got two smaller ones along the way, on false perc, on clarkii. The big Clarkii got very aggressive and went on a killing spree. One night, both the little ones ended up dead. The big perc. was scared to death and had a bite mark on his head, but seemed okay. I got rid of the clarkii, but a week later the Perc. died.
I'm gonna get a Marroon Clown and another Perc for the anemones, but I know the Perc wont take either one, so I'll need a carpet. Any other suggestions for anemones? Anybody got some fish up for grabs for an eager hobbyist?