whats in your tank


I understand your concern on that one Greatfulreefer...i had the same concern. it's been about 8 weeks ago though and i have quite a load in my tank and all of my readings are still excellent. i'm thinking about getting a 240 so i can go with an aggressive tank, if i decide to do it i'm going to use the stuff again. it may not have any thing to do with my tank but i have been very pleased with the way my tank has gone so far.


Maroon Clown Fish
Gold Banded Maroon Clown
Emp. Angel
Rabbit Fish
Dragon Wrass
Blue Devil Damsel
Flame Hawk Fish
Yellow Eye Tang
Asst tiny Hermits
Lg Strawberry Hermit


Active Member
65 Gallon Reef:
2 - Darwin Clowns (Black & White Percs.)
1 - Royal Gramma
1 - Citron Clown Goby
1 - Green Chromis (it bullied the other 4 Chromis in its shoal to death)
I don't have any plans for additional fish at the moment.


Active Member
72 gallon
1 Huma Huma Trigger
1 Undulated Trigger
200 gallon
1 Emporator Angel (my pride and joy)
1 Half Black angel
1 Porkfish
1 Clarkii clown
2 Blue chromis


120 gallon reef
2 clowns (false percs)
1 royal gramma
1 flame angel
1coral beauty
1 Brown Scopas Tang
1 brittle star
2 serpent stars
many hermits and snails
tree coral
button polyps
orange sponge
29 gallon
2 percs
sea urchin
brittle star
hermits and snails
10 gal QT
3 damsels...anyone want them??

lions n nd

in my 210
8" Volitan Lion
7"Porky Puffer
4" Porky Puffer
7" Blue Hippo
5" Archillies Tang
6" Spotted Grouper
6" Lunar Wrasse
5" Niger Trigger (MISTAKE) should not have added


Active Member
I'm a newbie you could say. I'm actually a teen, pretty happy with my tank. I've got a 55 Gallon, everything is nice and well. My Live Stock:
-Yellow Tang= Not quite full grown, but not quite Juvenile
-Rock Beauty Angel= 3", only has one eye (lol, got at LFS for $35 off original price, named him "lefty:, extra hardy though, that's a plus)
-Long Nosed Hawk= about and inch and a half, cool fish
-Royal Gramma= Same as hawk, very skittish, named him "twitch", lol.
-Lawnmower Blenny
-Sebae Anemone
-Bubble Tip anemone
Sad story, but I had a nice group of clowns once, that's why I have the anemones. You see, I started out with two clowns, one Clarkii and one false perc. They got along great. Then I got two smaller ones along the way, on false perc, on clarkii. The big Clarkii got very aggressive and went on a killing spree. One night, both the little ones ended up dead. The big perc. was scared to death and had a bite mark on his head, but seemed okay. I got rid of the clarkii, but a week later the Perc. died.
I'm gonna get a Marroon Clown and another Perc for the anemones, but I know the Perc wont take either one, so I'll need a carpet. Any other suggestions for anemones? Anybody got some fish up for grabs for an eager hobbyist?


not to stray off the topic of this post, but PLEASE dont mix clownfishes. Any given species do not do well in the presence of other species their own. Especially maroon clownfish, which are THE most aggressive of all the clownfish. As the female matures, she will likely not tolerate ANY other fish in her territory. (i.e., killing spree). the only way you are likely to be successful mixing clownfish types would be to have a very large tank (100 gallons or larger)where they will establish separate, distant territories, not be competing for a host (if one is available), and wont run in to each other. I would recommend to pick your favorite type of clown and just do a pair. one large and one small if you can, so you end up with a female and a male. (clownfish are protandric hermaphrodites and the largest most dominant fish will change --- to a female, while the smaller one will submit and assume the role of the male.) I hope this has helped. oh, also if you want to ensure your anemones get hosted, pick clownfish other than percs or ocellaris. tomato or clarkii clownfish, I BELIEVE, will host in the anemones you named. maroons' natural host in nature is the bubble tip, as well.


yellow tang
coral beauty
2 false perc clowns
purple firefish
reg. firefish
banghai cardinal
3 green chromis
sand-sifting goby (don't remember name)
sand-sifting star
inverts out the ying yang
added the purple firefish today
he and the reg. firefish paired up and swim around together
right now, they are sleeping about 3 in. apart
weird, huh?