What's in your tanks?

bean 1

I enjoy reading everone's posts, especially those with the stock lists included. It has been very beneficial in helping me stock my tanks when I first got started. Can some of you provide your stock lists and any compatability issues that you faced.
Here's mine to get started
1. 100g FOWLR
- 6"DSB (aragonite)
- 100# fiji LR
- 30 # Marshall Island LR
- 25# base rock - starting to grow coralline
- 2 emerald crabs
- 2 skunk cleaner shrimp
- 1 sally lightfoot
- 6 scarlet hermits
- 15 assorted snails (cerith, nassarius)
- 2 false percula clowns
- 1 foxface
- 1 coral beauty
- 1 sixline wrasse
- 1 green chromis
- 1 saddle blenny
- the only problem I've experienced with this setup was with my green chromis, surprisingly. He killed his 2 tank mates (chromis'). Haven't experienced any other displays of aggression except when I first introduced the hermits and didn't have enough spare shells for them, so they killed each other for their shells. Since adding some additional shells I haven't lost another.
2. 46g Bow cycling with
- 40# Tonga Deep Shelf LR
- 40# Lalo LR
- 15# base rock
- 6" DSB (100# aragonite, 25# of which was LS)
Future stock List:
- would like to make this tank a reef but I'm still doing some reading and research on that.
- 1 potters angel or a flame angel
- 1 yellow head jawfish
- 1 bicolor blenny or a lawnmower blenny
- 1 royal gramma
- 2or3 emerald crabs
- 2 cleaner shrimp
- 1 sally lightfoot
- some feather dusters
- some corals?
- various snails
- some small reef hermits
- tank is only a few days into its cycle and the LR has alot of life to it (clams, feather dusters,...) Hopefully some of this stuff survives. If I can figure out how to post some pics I will provide some of my tanks. Thanks in advance for your stock lists!
Bean 1


90 gallon FOWLR
humu humu trigger
niger trigger
Snowflake eel
about 45 pounds of rock so far, working on getting it up to 90.
Humu Humu and niger get along great so far, dont know what the future will bring once it matures.
45 Gallon FOWLR
Small Undulated Trigger
nothing for it to kill
150 gallon : huma huma , undulated, gold dog face and a fimbriated morray 120# base rock 130# of LS
55 gallon : jaded file, green spotted file, orange toad fish and a wasp fish (leaf scorpian fish) 90# LR 50 # LS
29 reef : arc eye hawk, pajamma cardinal, three stripe damsel and a Mantis shrimp. 40# LR 40# LS
75 reef : just did a complete reset in it's second week of cycling 100# LR 5" DSB


6 month old 75 gallon FOWLR
3 inch SB
35 lbs. Tonga, Fiji, and Brazil LR
2 tank raised percs
1 foxface lo
1 scopas tang (juv)
assorted snails (nassarius, turbo, cerith, astrea), 1 peppermint shrimp, 1 skunk scarlet cleaner shrimp, a few blue leg hermits,
Woohoo! :)
25 gal FOWLR
-30 pound fiji live rock
-2 inch sand bed
-2 false percula clowns
-11 blue leged hermit crabs
-1 coral banded shrimp
-2 turbo snails
the only prob i have in my tank is an algae prob and my coral banded shrimp ate won of my hermits


Active Member
55 gal reef
5" dsb
1 scarlet cleaner shrimp
2 peppermint shrimps
1 brittle star
2 percs
1 purple firefish
1 coral beauty
1 yellow tail damsel
yellow polyps
green star polyps
green zoo's
2 differrent toadstools
1 branching hammer
misc hitchhiker polyps
several snails and hermits
29 gal FO
1 maroon clown
1 domino damsel
1 choc chip star


65gal tank
1" whitish sand
about 45lbs Turkish LR
Tomato Clown
Sea grass
Feather Duster
Sand hermits
Rock hermits
Actinia Equina (Anemone)
Some caulerpa
Arabacia lixula (Urchin)
i ordered a frogspawn coral, a red mushroom and xenia rocks so they will come soon. But i just started adding things to my tank so its not over
29 gallon Reef Set-Up:
3-4" CC
15-17 lbs. Fiji LR
1 Peppermint Shrimp
1 Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp
Variety of Hermits
3 Nassarius Snails
Bunch of Featherdusters
1 Green Button Polyp
2 False Percula Clowns
2 Red Firefish


125gal FOWLR
Achilles tang
Hippo tang
Yellow Boxfish
Spotted Hawkfish
Yellow watchman goby
55gal (was QT)
LN butterfly
Fuzzy lion
GSM clown (over 5years old!)
Royal gramma
Urchins, snails, hermit crab


Active Member
55 gallon
1 heater
1 20# bag of live sand
1 maxi-jet power head
alot of air
more to come on payday!
lol yeah im just starting if you havent figured that out


12 nano... 1 false percula, 1 neon goby, and 1 firefish. a few mushrooms, a big feather duster, 26lbs of lr. and crabs and snails.:)
the only problem was thet i found a few predatory whelks and thet i cant seem to keep ricordia in the tank:confused: but its okay, i have all the ricordia i could want in my 75gal... which brings me, to my 75.
2 clown gobies
1 sailfin tang
20 snails
1 large torch coral(size of 2 tennis balls put together)
1 small frogspawn
1 tennis ball size bubble coral
small sun coral
84lbs of lr
6 hermits(the other 4 were victims of canbalism)
planning on adding more fish which are:
1 flasher wrasse
1 coral beuty
2 false perculas
1 neon goby
1 watchman goby
the only problems i had were the loss of three fish
:( 2 bangaii cardinals, and one fairy wrasse... the bangaii wre eating fine in the store, but didnt eat at home. the fairy wrasse was eating fine at the store and at home but on the 2nd morning i found him lying on the sand breathing heavily. then he passed away a few min later:( :( :(


29 gallon
-15 lb live fiji rock
-10 lb live branched rock
-15 lb crushed coral
-2 clarki clown
-2 4 stripe damsels
-1 fuzzy dwarf lion
-1 peppermint shrimp
-1 flame scallop
55 gallon
-30 lb live fiji
-30 lb crushed coral
-1 blue/yellow damsel.
(still cycling)


90 Gallon Reef
5" DSB
100 lbs live rock
izizameus hog
social fairy wrasse
manderine goby
neon goby
2 purple fire fish
pink bar goby
rabbit fish
orange stripe cardinal
banghai cardinal
scooter blenny
royal gramma
many snails
blue leg hermits
red leg hermits
red blood shrimp
2 skunk cleaner shrimp
4 peppermint shrimp


Sea grass is a plant which has roots and few very long-thin-straight leaves. Do a search i am sure you will find some pics. I love them buy mine dont grow because i havent put my halides on the tank so this week i will do it and i belive they will start growing. I can show you some pics after the halides if you want


4'' ls
45lbs lr
1 dogface puffer
1 porcupine puffer
1 snowflake eel
1 large scarlet hermit
3'' ls
35lbs lr
2 h.erectus seahorses
2 firefish gobies
2 cleaner shrimp


180 gallon
70lbs of LR
Harlequin Tusk
Clown Trigger
Niger Trigger
Naso Blonde Tang
Stars & Stripes Puffer
2-Bar gobies


Active Member
My 46 bow has 3 clowns, 2 3 stripe damsels, 2 yellowtail damsels, 1 purple firefish, 1 yellownose goby, 2 neon damsels (which I DESPISE), 1 bicolor dottyback which I DESPISE even worse!), 2 cleaner shrimp, 1 pistol shrimp,3 monkey shrimp, frogspawn, green ricordia(which has split once and getting ready to split again), some colony polyps, and the ususl asst of snails and blue lel hermits. WHEW! Oh yeah, almost forgot 3 brittle stars and a choc chip star hith about 55 lb of lr.


New Member
100 Gallon SW
1 stars and stripes puffer
1 porky puffer
1 perc
1 yellow tang
4 mexican turbos
15 blue legged hermits
2 scarlet reef hermits
80 lbs live sand
20 lbs live rock