looks more like the pics opf hydroids that i have seen but I really dont have a clue. maybe someone else might be able to positively ID them.
BTW it looks kewl
Sorry to step in on your post, but how and why would these become a problem? Just curious, and looking for knowledge. And, 2, would scrubbing get the whole hydroid? Meaning, will it get to the "roots" and then no grow back? Thanks.
I ve lots of them in my tank, and yes, some of my shrimp has them but they rent dangerous, they must be a kind of polyp, they grow quickly but not kill or disturb anyone, i thnik
Good luck
They will become a plauge in your tank speading everywhere and stinging and even sometimes killing corals. Trust us get rid of them while there numbers are small and easy to get rid of.
Going with the Hydroids therory allthough I would loved to have had 100 little tube worms nestle in my reef.
I put it into my QT with fish being treated for ich. Want to see what developes.
Can and/or will these attach to my fish for when I transfer them back to reef tank ???
from what I can tell they will only attach to hard surface area IE rocks shells substrate, and probably overflow areas. if you get rid of them off the snail watch the shell for a while to make sure they dont start to come back.
Originally posted by BlueStew
I put it into my QT with fish being treated for ich. Want to see what developes.
If you're treating for Ick you may have killed your snail depending on the meds used. Was it "Reef Safe" medication?
oops didnt catch that for some strange reason must be a longer day than I thought LOL.
if you are dosing copper in that QT snails dont tolerate copper along with most if not all inverts.