Whats the best time to add supplements?


Well-Known Member
I do all my tests first and take notes. After I am all done I figure out what to do, like if calcium is low I can use purple up, it increases cal but also helps the coraline.


Active Member
Sundays i do my water changes. Then I test for things on Monday mornings and if something needs to be added I add it then.


Active Member
I do alk/calcium dosing at night, when the moonlights are on. All others I do after my weekly water change.
I do water change on sunday and test several hours later. I only dose two things.....essential ellements and lugol's solution, which I do on wed.


Active Member
Thanks, I do test for everything that I dose. I was just wondering if there was an optimal time to dose or not.


Active Member
I dose alk in the am when my pH is lowest (and I'm awake) because my alk supplement has the potential to spike pH (really not at the amount I supplement now but in the future perhaps). I dose calcium either on opposite days or in the afternoon because I dont want them inhibiting the action of the other. many manufacturers suggest its better to dose alk and calcium at seperate times especially if you are trying to raise either as opposed to maintaining. I dose mg so infrequently it really doesn't matter but I always dose alk alone.