What's up with this?

Okay, about two weeks ago, I reached my hand into the third chamber of my wet/dry (the one that has the return pump) and felt something slimy. I pulled it out and it was a smaller sized anemone. I have no idea how it got there. I put it in my tank where it seems to be doing well. Went back a few days later, and same thing - another anemone. Switched out my 55 for a 75 this morning, and when I took the wet/dry out, there were two more in there. In addition to these four new anemones, the 5 or 6 baby anemones that came on a piece of live rock have multiplied over the last 2 weeks, to 8 or 9. What's going on? I haven't had the lights on, due to an algae problem (which has cleared up, so now I'm ready to run the lights). The 4 in the wet/dry surely didn't have any light, and are as white as they can be. I'm not complaining, but I don't understand it.
That's exactly what was on the live rock that is multiplying. Tell me about it - I just thought they were baby anemones. The ones from inside the wet/dry are BTA's. I've had 2 BTA's and thought that they had died. I just can't figure out they managed to get into the overflow box, up the U-tube, and to the third chamber of the sump, if they are the same ones I had before.


I have those also and someone verified it for me today. Do a search on aptasia and read up on it. In one of the threads it gives several details of how to get rid of it. That is what I am doing tonight.
Here is the thread title The Basics of Aiptasia


They are tough to get rid of. I remember from reading another post that you have to inject them to get rid of them. I just can't remember what that substance is:confused:


Here is the answer-..I take kalk concentrate in a small syringe,hold carefully over them ..wait until they are extended and then blast em' w/ a shot of it..it burns em' up..make sure not to get paste on anything else..corals or whatever,HTH:D
I knew I could find it-good luck.


I tried the kalk paste. It worked for a while and then they began to spread. so I got three peppermint shrimp and they took care of it right away and I have seen none since.
I used a hot water jey(boiling water in syringe(sp?)) and then the peppermints finished them off. I took them about 2 weeks after I started the hot water zapping though.


The ones from inside the wet/dry are BTA's. I've had 2 BTA's and thought that they had died. I just can't figure out they managed to get into the overflow box, up the U-tube, and to the third chamber of the sump, if they are the same ones I had before.
are you sure those are BTA's?? I have never seen a BTA that has allowed it self to be sucked through anything like a overflow box. here is a pic of manjano anemone they look similiar and tend to congregate in overflow boxes and sumps.
BTW on a lot of them there tenticals arent as long or wide open they are usually close together while the are smaller.
I guess it could be. They are very white, and the tentacles look like little bulbs. It looks a lot like the picture of the BTA on this site's order page (U-Build It), and I've had two BTAs in the past, so I figured that's what they were. But Lord knows I've been wrong before...:)


watch them closely if you start getting more quickly and they dont get real big then its probably some sort of manjanoe anemone rather than a BTA. if it turns out to be manjanoe anemones you get rid of them like apista anemones with a kalk or boiling water injection.


they arent as bad as apista.
they reproduce fast but no where near the levels apista do. hey can sting corals and if left to grow can take over the tank. and they move in the tank they are not stationary like apista so they can settle in around other corals and bother them to a point of not opening.

sinner's girl

peppermint shrimp will eat them right up. even the bigger ones, though it may take a few tries for them to get the bigger ones.
we had a ton of them, a few that were nice size...got a few peppermint shrimp...they ate the littles one the first day, the biggers ones started to move around to try and get away from the shrimp...but in a week all aptasia were gone. we haven't had any since.
before this sinner did try the boiling water in syringe thing...but I don't think he was able to get to all of them. (we found the syringes while we were moving...I looked at him funny till I remembered why he had them.)


sinners girl I know how that is my mom helped me move a couple years ago and I had a small bag of syringes that took a while to explain. she didnt even remmember that she gave him to me. ( she is diabitic and got some dull ones so I took them) still took a lot of explaining LOL.
I had a lot of luck with the water combined with the kalk. I just used hot water in between the kalk injections and within a few days they were gone but I only had a few.