whats wrong w/ america?!


Active Member
i mean it, we r so weird, i mean think, i just saw a weight loss commercial that allows u to indulge as much as u want on food, there r ppl in africa who only wish they could eat daily! honestly i think america should step out of the clouds and try to address that and many other issues the worlds got, i mean seriously ppl, u see a charity to help the homeless, or something else like that, just give them that few extra dollars uve got...

darthtang aw

Active Member
Wow, an Idealist....explain how buying a product that helps keep your weight down affects the people in Africa or the homeless. My personal opinion more people in The U.S. need to invest in this product.


Active Member
i see what your saying i guess... i wish we would stop wasteing money on other countries and work on are own.

tx reef

Active Member
His point is that the pill allows people to eat as much as they want and still lose or maintain weight......
So, go ahead and be an over-eating pig and take

to keep looking good.....sure, nothing wrong with that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TX Reef
His point is that the pill allows people to eat as much as they want and still lose or maintain weight......
So, go ahead and be an over-eating pig and take

to keep looking good.....sure, nothing wrong with that.
yep that just about sums up most americans(indulge)


Active Member
u get to indulge urself while losing weight, it just seems kinda strange to me to indulge urself while losing weight, also ive seen commercials like "the joy of eating", frankly to me this is all just kinda seems a little....odd


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
u get to indulge urself while losing weight, it just seems kinda strange to me to indulge urself while losing weight, also ive seen commercials like "the joy of eating", frankly to me this is all just kinda seems a little....odd
I hear ya. God forbid people use a little self control and eat better and exercise. What a sick sad little world we live in.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
i mean it, we r so weird, i mean think, i just saw a weight loss commercial that allows u to indulge as much as u want on food, there r ppl in africa who only wish they could eat daily! honestly i think america should step out of the clouds and try to address that and many other issues the worlds got, i mean seriously ppl, u see a charity to help the homeless, or something else like that, just give them that few extra dollars uve got...

So make sure you are doing your part to make this a better place...


Active Member
there are lots of problems with America. for one, our government couldn't care less about us. they want to appease big business by giving amnesty to illegal immigrants, knowing full well that it will likely bankrupt this country in a very few decades. they want to appease the oil companies by continuing to do business with terrorist nations knowing full well that our gasoline could be produced right here in the US. they are still throwing billions at an unwinnable war even though the great majority of Americans want it over and done with. our society is becoming dumber and dumber because children would rather watch japanese animation and play video games than do something that may actually enrich their lives. so yeah, there's problems with America, but a diet pill is WAY down the list.
as far as you mentioning Africa, the US and other nations have tried time and time again to help Africa. the problem is that Africa has done next to nothing to help themselves. farmers from all over the world were sent to Africa to teach them the proper ways to farm crops, and they didn't even bother to learn because I guess it was too much of a chore. doctors and healthcare workers are sent there to try to educate and prevent the spread of AIDS, and it's still spreading faster than ever. we need to improve the US before we waste more energy on trying to improve other nations.


Active Member
Hi, Pont...haven't heard from you in a while. Maybe we haven't had enough political threads lately, eh?
Always like to read your stuff.
Also glad to hear that our gov't couldn't care less because many people are under the impression that they could care less. So many uninformed and undereducated people standing in line for kool-aid. Sad. Very sad.


I am indulging right now. I am indulging on the forums. I am indulging in my beverage of choice. I am indulging in my freedom (hubby's gone out of town). I do not indulge in food. But I do indulge. And quite frankly, I do it without remorse or regret. I enjoy the country I live in and I enjoy what I have rights to. My neighbor cannot afford internet service, but I sure as heck am not going to feel guilty because I can.
Almost everybody gives to one charity or another. I do. But even if I didn't...I enjoy what I have.


i really dont kno either. did u kno pretty much the whole world makes fun of us and pretty much hates us yet everybody wants to come here.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pontius
as far as you mentioning Africa, the US and other nations have tried time and time again to help Africa. the problem is that Africa has done next to nothing to help themselves. farmers from all over the world were sent to Africa to teach them the proper ways to farm crops, and they didn't even bother to learn because I guess it was too much of a chore. doctors and healthcare workers are sent there to try to educate and prevent the spread of AIDS, and it's still spreading faster than ever. we need to improve the US before we waste more energy on trying to improve other nations.
I disagree with you, there are many different reasons why the people in Africa are suffering. There is drought in many of the places with no food, corrupt war lords whom are this way because of other nations who come in and exploit Africa's resources, a lack of an infrastructure. In my experiences with africans that have come to America, they are usually much more educated and are harder workers than many of us. It's not right for you to make a general stereotypes based on what you see on the news. I do beleive that more needs to be done here in the U.S. The people we elect seem to loose track of what the real issues are, and we seem to never work towards a solution. The world is too small now for us to ignore the world's problems or pick an choose what issues we want to be involved in. As the world's wealthiest nation we do have a responsibility to address these issues.
Lastly, how much money have we wasted in Iraq on the war, and reconstruction?


Originally Posted by Pontius
there are lots of problems with America. for one, our government couldn't care less about us. they want to appease big business by giving amnesty to illegal immigrants, knowing full well that it will likely bankrupt this country in a very few decades. they want to appease the oil companies by continuing to do business with terrorist nations knowing full well that our gasoline could be produced right here in the US. they are still throwing billions at an unwinnable war even though the great majority of Americans want it over and done with. our society is becoming dumber and dumber because children would rather watch japanese animation and play video games than do something that may actually enrich their lives. so yeah, there's problems with America, but a diet pill is WAY down the list.
as far as you mentioning Africa, the US and other nations have tried time and time again to help Africa. the problem is that Africa has done next to nothing to help themselves. farmers from all over the world were sent to Africa to teach them the proper ways to farm crops, and they didn't even bother to learn because I guess it was too much of a chore. doctors and healthcare workers are sent there to try to educate and prevent the spread of AIDS, and it's still spreading faster than ever. we need to improve the US before we waste more energy on trying to improve other nations.
Nice old southern mentality.
Immigrants are as important to America today as they were 100 years ago. Long live immigration. Don't be scared of change.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Chankanaab
Nice old southern mentality.
Immigrants are as important to America today as they were 100 years ago. Long live immigration. Don't be scared of change.

do you know the difference between LEGAL and ILLEGAL immigration? ILLEGAL immigration is a MAJOR PROBLEM in this country. I could list a lot of reasons why it's problem. it's apparent though that you are one of the many who wants to view opponents of ILLEGAL immigration as racist but probably can't come up with any good grounds to debate an issue on other than crying "racist racist". I like the "southern mentality" comment, have you ever set foot in a southern state? being in CA, I'd like to know how you propose to know "southern mentality"


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I disagree with you, there are many different reasons why the people in Africa are suffering. There is drought in many of the places with no food, corrupt war lords whom are this way because of other nations who come in and exploit Africa's resources, a lack of an infrastructure. In my experiences with africans that have come to America, they are usually much more educated and are harder workers than many of us. It's not right for you to make a general stereotypes based on what you see on the news. I do beleive that more needs to be done here in the U.S. The people we elect seem to loose track of what the real issues are, and we seem to never work towards a solution. The world is too small now for us to ignore the world's problems or pick an choose what issues we want to be involved in. As the world's wealthiest nation we do have a responsibility to address these issues.
Lastly, how much money have we wasted in Iraq on the war, and reconstruction?
what part do you disagree with? do you disagree that farmers and healthcare workers have been sent to Africa to try to help? that's fact. you're definitely right about the warlords and lack of infrastructure though. though I disagree that it is America's problem to improve other nations when we need to first be improving our own nation.


Active Member
All we do is throw money at problems, we don't solve the problem. And immigration is a problem in this country because of the strain it puts on our budget and social security. This is an issue that needs to be addressed, but I think the Bush Admin is taking the wrong approach. There is so much more opportunity here to make money than there is in Mexico. You can't blame them for coming over...its actually the smart thing to do. However we need to work with the mexican gov't to solve the problem. Illegal immigrants do help our economy and in many ways we are taking advantage of them.


Corporate bullcrap, shameless media giants, politicians and CEOs in bed together, less and less separation of church and state......what else.....oh yeah a President most everybody just wants to forget.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
All we do is throw money at problems, we don't solve the problem. And immigration is a problem in this country because of the strain it puts on our budget and social security. This is an issue that needs to be addressed, but I think the Bush Admin is taking the wrong approach. There is so much more opportunity here to make money than there is in Mexico. You can't blame them for coming over...its actually the smart thing to do. However we need to work with the mexican gov't to solve the problem. Illegal immigrants do help our economy and in many ways we are taking advantage of them.
you're very much right about the budget and social security. in addition to national security. it is so easy for an illegal alien to commit a crime in the US and flee back across the border. also, there's no way of knowing how many there are. the 'estimate' is what, 12 million? it could be double that.
I don't agree about the helping our economy part though. they are mainly helping the economy of Mexico, where most of their money goes back to. they are earning the money here, but shipping it back to their families in Mexico. further, this "they'll do the jobs that Americans won't do" is a lie. they do the jobs that Americans CAN'T do because Americans would have to pay taxes on top of the already low pay. the employers are getting off scott free because they aren't paying towards taxes or insurance, so they're able to pay illegals much less than an American worker. this savings isn't passed on to the consumer, it's passed on to the employer's bank account. the price you pay for a newly constructed house isn't going to be affected by whether it's built by US citizens or illegal aliens, because any savings is passed on to the contractor, not the buyer. so this isn't helping the US economy at all.
just like everything else, this illegal immigration is something that benefits the rich and hurts the poor and middle classes.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pontius
you're very much right about the budget and social security. in addition to national security. it is so easy for an illegal alien to commit a crime in the US and flee back across the border. also, there's no way of knowing how many there are. the 'estimate' is what, 12 million? it could be double that.
I don't agree about the helping our economy part though. they are mainly helping the economy of Mexico, where most of their money goes back to. they are earning the money here, but shipping it back to their families in Mexico. further, this "they'll do the jobs that Americans won't do" is a lie. they do the jobs that Americans CAN'T do because Americans would have to pay taxes on top of the already low pay. the employers are getting off scott free because they aren't paying towards taxes or insurance, so they're able to pay illegals much less than an American worker. this savings isn't passed on to the consumer, it's passed on to the employer's bank account. the price you pay for a newly constructed house isn't going to be affected by whether it's built by US citizens or illegal aliens, because any savings is passed on to the contractor, not the buyer. so this isn't helping the US economy at all.
just like everything else, this illegal immigration is something that benefits the rich and hurts the poor and middle classes.

Good point.
I guess Money and Greed is the reason for most of our problems. This is the reason why we have illegals coming here to work jobs and why we outsource jobs oversees...It's all about cheap labor and the bottomline. I work at AT&T and we have GoodYear here in my city. Companies are either cutting expenses or laying off thousands of workers, yet the CEO's are getting bonuses of $10-$40 million