whats wrong w/ america?!


Active Member
if you mean cut-off all ties i agree, i also think we should kill any nafta agreement with a foreign government that promotes there lower-class into a country so that when the illegals work here and send there money back to mexico not even supporting our economy...tobin

aztec reef

Active Member
Here's something you can do:
We need a comprehensive program to end illegal immigration; that means ensuring that people who enter illegally or overstay their lawful status will not be able to obtain employment, public assistance benefits, public education, public housing, or any other taxpayer-funded benefit without detection.

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jovial
Obviously you dont speak English either.
Lets talk about English comprehension for a minute before speaking of mental capacity. . Do you mean comprehending? spelling -1. You dislike America but are married to one. You are married to America? grammer use -2 " cause i see you still taking (talking) spelling -3.
Adult debate, this sounds remarkably familiar .

....So now it's about Grammer 101, by any chance are you a Journalist? or a book writer? do you remember what the thread is about? or are you having a brain malfuction?
but i will fix my spelling so that your little mind Can get it..


Active Member
This is a final warning on this thread.
Enough of the petty comments on spelling, grammar, name calling, "holier than thou" stuff
If you can't debate the TOPIC without picking little fights, then the thread will be closed.


Dudes, america is so screwed up. We spend so much money on DARFUR and other countries giving our money to other people which ends up to other governments while he in america there is gang violence poor and homeless people and kids not getting education. We need to stop spending or money in other countries and help out our own. I feel bad for al the poor children dieng of AIDS or getting murdered in other countries but i think america should spend our money on us.


and all you anti immigrant people, this country can not live without its immigrants, the immigrants cut our lawns, pump our gas, run the checkouts at stores, and serve us fast food: no white boy is going to do any of those jobs. What the government should do is close all borders with tight security and make all illegals in the country legal. IMO


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Wow, this thread sure has gone downhill quickly. The problem as I see it, is that when you have people who are so extreme in their views they are not capable of seeing an issue from different perspectives and are stuck soo deep in their own beliefs that they can't get out. Legal or illegal these the illegals are still people and like any of use want a better life and when that life is sooo easy to attain they are willing to break laws. I have said it again and again and again, the companies hiring them and the government for turning it's eye is just as guilty as the people breaking the laws.
Our government wastes soo much money and spends billions on a war that has no end, I'd be more apt to put blame on the government for not have enough $$ left over to help out it's people.
Also, I really enjoy the far right-wing bible banging views on charity and doing good for your fellow man. If this country was a majority of people with this mindset we'd be a wicked nation of righteous people capable of terrible violence/hatred on anyone not with them...
I agree with you here, and I agree with what Aztec has to say here for the most part. I understand how you (Aztec) can say he loves it here but hates America-- I take it as You love what America stands for and what it is, but you hate the idealogy of some americans.
I personally rather see us go into Dafur and help stop the killing, then to continuously spend billions in Iraq. That issue has been ignored way too long and we did not start hearing about it until celebrities and others began bringing attention to it. There have been far more atrocities there then anywhere else in the world and hundreds of thousands of people are being killed or misplaced. People say this is the same reason why we went into Iraq because Hussein was a tyrant that murdered his people, and WMD that were never found. I just see that at times we are hypocrites who will go to war on a particular issue, but ignore or choose another method of diplomacy on the same issue depending on what country or region it is. This is why we are not respected or regarded in the international community like we used to be.
Immigrants and illegals do benefit our country, however, there does need to be something done about illegal immigration. Maybe some sort of work visa for people coming over, and we add some sort of additional tax to their wages would be a possible solution. Maybe this tax could be given towards our gas tax?? There is a solution out there that could benefit all parties.
I'm just tired of the hate that some of you all show towards minorites and immigrants of this country. I feel I was attacked and you are doing the same thing to aztec. Yes some illegals commit crimes, but they do it to make a quick profitable buck, like many poor people do who turn to a life of drugs and crime. I also understand and appreciate that you all love this country, I do to, but as americans we need to respect others and their view points because it's not just your country. And by the way to the last comment, these immigrants can do more than just cut your grass and work at a convience store. and where I live there are many "white boys" who work in this same capacity.

aztec reef

Active Member
OK, let me clear something up here folks.... I may have some spelling and grammar problems(maybe cause it's not the only Language i speak and write, spanish grammer is way wicked!!) so i get that i'm a little ruff on that part, with that said ... I DO NOT HATE AMERICA NOR AMERICANS... if that was the case i wouldn't live here!!! like i said i have the choice and my family has the $$ to live in neither places...
And Rylan thanks for clearing it up for me... I love america but just like you said i hate the mentality and racism/hypocrecy of "some people"..It just gets under my skin...


Active Member
well let me clear something up then i am not a racist , nor is seasalt some of our best friends are hispanics and i'm sorry if our views on immigration made you beleive that we were

aztec reef

Active Member
I apologize if i came too harsh and/or showed some reverse-racism..But that's totally Not me.."some people" make me different sometimes..


Active Member
I know how you feel .people can be so passionate about their beliefs ,and it makes it hard to comprehend that others don't feel the same way

aztec reef

Active Member
this is a really funny thread, i mean the holier than thou stuff. Its pretty much a dead case, so i don't see why bump it..