whats wrong w/ america?!

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by seasalt101
post# 306 was seasalt not jennythebugg
Tobin, no need to Log into different accounts to share your views

do you know what that makes you: I won't say it but you get the point..

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by seasalt101
1st off what are you referring to the government and illegal activity? what about the mexican government and their illegal activities? and the fact that the mexican military guards their southern border, it's ok for them , but not us? 2nd i do not blame illegals for mycancer that is a very ignorant statement, i blame the illegals for using up american citizens benefits that american citizens pay for, 3rd you were an illegal weren't you? that is how you hide behind the christian banner, if i am right on this what you did was a crime and you cannot condem what you did also so you see it from the other side i see it from a born and bred american side...tobin

Put it and coated how you want to... but The Illegals Can't and Won't do nothing about it..So how about you guys get together and Do something about it...We are here in the US , so lets focus on the US..Again DEFINE how it's the Illegals fault for getting away with it.. I have the capacity and Experience to see it from every angle..In the other hand you see things your way ONLY which is very selfish.. it's all about "Paying it forward" buddy..


Active Member
Wow, this thread sure has gone downhill quickly. The problem as I see it, is that when you have people who are so extreme in their views they are not capable of seeing an issue from different perspectives and are stuck soo deep in their own beliefs that they can't get out. Legal or illegal these the illegals are still people and like any of use want a better life and when that life is sooo easy to attain they are willing to break laws. I have said it again and again and again, the companies hiring them and the government for turning it's eye is just as guilty as the people breaking the laws.
Our government wastes soo much money and spends billions on a war that has no end, I'd be more apt to put blame on the government for not have enough $$ left over to help out it's people.
Also, I really enjoy the far right-wing bible banging views on charity and doing good for your fellow man. If this country was a majority of people with this mindset we'd be a wicked nation of righteous people capable of terrible violence/hatred on anyone not with them...


Active Member
jmick, i agree with you on a few of those points i am NOT as extreme as seasalt who is now pacing furiously around the house...i think yes the govt. should spend the moneys at home and not on this war i think a vast majority of our politicians are crooked , but when you say that its so easy to attain the'better life' its also really easy to be a gang banger and a drug dealer...does that make it right ? does it make it less of a crime??

............not does it make it less of a crime ,... does it make it not a crime thats what i meant to say ,sorry

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by seasalt101
oh yeah an american by marriage...tobin
Tobin, i'm not into childish games right Now..But if you take your time and read the whole thread again you'll see how i said that i was granted Citizenship THROUGH MY PARENTS, and i admit my parents were the ones that brought me here ILLEGALY(when i was like 10 years old) , so it wasn't even my choice to come here that way..
But i would have done the same a 100 times..If i walked a mile in their shoes..


Active Member
the only thing i am trying to get across is doing it legally, i do live in a border state and it is a problem here and if it is not fixed soon it will be a problem in every state in america something needs to be done about it now, and i do agree with the war on terrorism also...tobin


Active Member
Originally Posted by jennythebugg
jmick, i agree with you on a few of those points i am NOT as extreme as seasalt who is now pacing furiously around the house...i think yes the govt. should spend the moneys at home and not on this war i think a vast majority of our politicians are crooked , but when you say that its so easy to attain the'better life' its also really easy to be a gang banger and a drug dealer...does that make it right ? does it make it less of a crime??
I think the majority of the illegals the come here do not sell drugs or get involved in gang activity and those that do should be dealt with harshly. Yes, it is less of a crime to come here to workd as opposed to commiting violent acts against others or selling people drugs.

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by seasalt101
the only thing i am trying to get across is doing it legally, i do live in a border state and it is a problem here and if it is not fixed soon it will be a problem in every state in america something needs to be done about it now, and i do agree with the war on terrorism also...tobin

aztec reef

Active Member
Yes i do agree, But if the only way to come here to the US was Legally, then there wouldn't be any Illegals here would there?..

So who should we blame?
The Illegals that come here Illegally (because of need) or the Goverment that lets them get away with it..(Turn their heads)....and as an Incentive gives them Employment/Goverment assistance..


Active Member
both are to blame that is why i feel the military should guard our borders but i'm just 1 voice surely not the only way to feel that way but it is illegal for american citizens to protect our own borders, can't just shoot them, but if we could the problem would of stopped years ago...tobin


Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
You know what you need to do is stay away from believing what goes in Movies like 'TRaining Day" and what happends at your barrio..Is it 13th streeters?, 18th streeters? There's a bunch of Tagers over here but they're not cholos/crips or bloods they're Punks..
Sure, i dislike America but yet i'm married to One, and pretty much Grew up here,
i just hold two Nationalities. I have a house here in the Us and My family have One in Mexico, So is my choice and freedom to live in both places..
Actually i live in both back and forth..cause i love both

Jovial, you're the one Not coprehending, cause i see you still taking Jiberish which i don't speak..Its' people like you that don't have the mental capacity to Open your mind... the US Goverment will never change if there's people with your type of mentality..I defenatly done wasting my time with You. Cause you refuse to have an Adult debate and leaning more towards arguing.. like a child..

Obviously you dont speak English either.
Lets talk about English comprehension for a minute before speaking of mental capacity. . Do you mean comprehending? spelling -1. You dislike America but are married to one. You are married to America? grammer use -2 " cause i see you still taking (talking) spelling -3.
Adult debate, this sounds remarkably familiar .
Tobin, your absoloutely correct. The military should be utilized to guard our borders.

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jovial
Dont you mean comprehending? spelling -1
Ok, i'll fix it!! whatever helps you sleep at night.. will that help you get the point?...


Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
Ok, i'll fix it!! whatever helps you sleep at night.. will that help you get the point?...
I thought I had been sacrificed earlier?

Are you trying to say it is the Governments fault for allowing illeagal immigration?

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jovial
I thought I had been sacrificed earlier?

You have, now you're just getting sacrificed in the After-life

aztec reef

Active Member
If you still not getting my point, then I suggest you read the whole thread again before going to bed cause i'm done holding your hand...