whats wrong w/ america?!


Active Member
how can i be shifting blame to the wrong area ??? if there weren't so many illegals getting all the moneys for medicaid then he most assuredly wouldnt have had a problem getting the help he needed...and how dare you say that to me you dont even know me my father is a pastor (and a hospice chaplain) i am very much a christian ,i have not a problem one with immigration----DO IT THE RIGHT WAY,my family did my neighbr is hispanic , his family did, i know alot of people that are immigrants illegal and legal there are good ones and bad ones in both groups, all of us got here one way or the other its which way you get here that were talking about and if i am not mistaken doesn't the bible talk about obeying the laws of the land ???yes it does and it also talks about a man staealing getting his right hand cut off at least i'm not saying cut off their feet so they can't walk back am i ????no so don't go splaying all this stuff about cristianity and being compassionate where is the illegals compassion for us they aren't paying taxes to help foot our medical bills he could die they will live its as simple as that. now i'm going

aztec reef

Active Member
It's just sad to see that the people that are posting It's because they are going through some bad times in their lifes..Or they have in some way been done wrong by a hispanic..But if a lived in the Borders i would do the same if a was you.. although i could never be you , cause i never walked in your shoes..
But if we wanna talked about things going wrong in our families, this thread would go into the 10-page.. But i could not tell you who's to blame..
Jenny, my family has been paying for your Insurance also, and all your meds..and i don't see them keep having babies..

Now i don't get how the Illegals have to do with Tobin not having Insurance?
No pun intended..


Active Member
It's human nature to push blame to others when things aren't going well in your life. I'd bet our expenses for one month in Iraq far exceed what we pay all year for immigration realate expenses. Again, it's the system and government who was let you down not the immigrants but because you see immigrants everyday they are a much easier targer for your frustration.


Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
Well when i said i was as mexican as it can be, i didn't by no means meant that i dislike Americans. actually being a US citizen makes me one too doesn't it? plus i've been together with One for the last 11+years (since 8th grade and been maried to her for the last 5). It shows you that i didn't just got married for citizenship...I was granted citizenship through my parents.. it just means i hold two Nationalities
and i'm proud of both..
I really can't prove what the Democrats or Republicans are doing, all i know is that there's right and wrong , in both parties. just like there's is in every Goverment. A LOT MORE wrong in other countries..But if you think that there's no WRONG here in the US then you're just simply Blind..
You failed to come-up with REAL answers..(to multiple Questions that were being thrown out ). Now the thread is going out of Contex which makes me believe that there's nothing Concrete left for you to say. its starting to sound like Jiberish. But i'll tag along..
Real answers...
your in denial. Still waiting for some facts.


Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
Jovial, if you can't think about what your posting before you do it (or have the mental capacity) then i would suggest to stay on the side lines..
you keep talking about Loyalty and cowards running from their problems .. and you say you weren't borned in the US now where's your Loyalty for your Nationality? are you ashamed of your background ?.. it seems like your contradicting your self..
I'm glad to live in America and proud to be a US citizen But that doesn't make me forget where i come from or what i stand for..neither the problems down there make me anti-mexico... Don't give me that S#!^ about cowards

Sorry, not trying to provoke you, but when I read this I couldnt stop laughing. It seems that you really enjoy lashing out at people. Why? Once again I apologize for causing you to loose control. Can you consider this:
Take a deep breath and use your head instead. There really is no need to insult people. Persistent personal attacks reflect a last ditch measures of desperation and inability to prove ones point using factual information and logic. Lets get back on topic, if you cant prove your point this way then maybe you dont have one ... still waiting for your facts.


Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
It's just sad to see that the people that are posting It's because they are going through some bad times in their lifes..Or they have in some way been done wrong by a hispanic..But if a lived in the Borders i would do the same if a was you.. although i could never be you , cause i never walked in your shoes..
But if we wanna talked about things going wrong in our families, this thread would go into the 10-page.. But i could not tell you who's to blame..
Jenny, my family has been paying for your Insurance also, and all your meds..and i don't see them keep having babies..

Now i don't get how the Illegals have to do with Tobin not having Insurance?
No pun intended..
I respect your opinion and hope you will read this in its entirety.
A good part of the strength of our nation lies in its diversity. We have been and should continue to be a great melting pot. What is happening is that people are coming here with little to no regard for our laws. And they are coming here illeagally and trying to make US into what they ran from. For example, look at public infrastructure in areas with large illeagal alien populations, it dosent cost money to keep people from spray painting graffitti everywhere or stealing or selling drugs. The only cost is pride.
The sad part is those who refuse to see this because of misguided loyalties. This is about criminals breaking the law, no matter how much one tries to candy coat this issue and twist it the issue will always be one of wrong or right. Doing the right thing is often unpopular, if I was breaking the law I would resist it also and try to argue against it. But this isnt Mexico.
Why is this so hard to comprehend? Possibly because they are jealous or dislike the US and would rather export their problems here or change the US into the disaster they ran from, courage is fixing your own problems not dumping them into someone elses backyard. Not black or white...right and wrong.
If ones loyalty is elsewhere, which has been the tone of your posts why waste time arguing, just move there. If your here you must believe that this is a better place, right? So why try to make the US into something else. If if wasnt better then why did you come here in the first place.


Active Member
Originally Posted by seasalt101
so what would your proposal be anyway A. turn your back. B. try to do what the president is doing. C. close the borders all together using military force. D. sanctions against mexico. or E. this is for you to fill out with your own idea. ...tobin
i'm still waiting for this to be answered, and no one is paying for my sickness i havethe bills they are in my name and there is running tab on them if this kills me the bill goes to next of kin...tobin


Active Member
Jenny, my family has been paying for your Insurance also, and all your meds..and i don't see them keep having babies..

ummmm how has your family paid one red cent of his medical bills and medication??
Now i don't get how the Illegals have to do with Tobin not having Insurance?
if illegal immigrants werent taking up so much of the medicaid budget would he have been turned down for it ...no he would have been approved---thats how, the govt. is spending millions on their healthcare while our legal citizens get hosed--look it up ! and don't tell me that my OPINION on this thread doesn't have anything to do with what your'e talking about because the whole subject of the thread is whats wrong with america and that is something seriously wrong with this country- i am against the war and i think its outrageous that our govt. will spend millions and millions over there on a war while we have people starving in our streets ...but thats not the subject the thread is currently on is it? no its not right now we are talking about illegals and thats exactly what they are ILLEGALS wether they come from france sweden mexico africa i dont give 2 cents where there from they come to our country take our jobs use our govt. programs cause crime and add to the drug problem, they are taking up space in our prisons for the theivery and petty crimes and 'hometown' criminals for lack of a better word are being released onto the streets without serving a fair sentance because there is no room. my kids go to schools where english is dying out, i thought english was the prime language in our country and i seem to remember a while back someone saying something about making people learn it ??? when is this going to happen??? i cant even tell my neighbor down the street that someone was lurking outside her house without getting a d@#$n translator yes i have problems with it i live somewhere where the problem happens to be hispanics, when i lived in atlanta the majority of their illegals were asian .so don't take direct offense to what i am saying its not a personal attack on you it never was, unlike you two and your VERY personal attacks on us. we believe the way we believe, you believe the way you will believe but don't go calling everyone wrong just becausse their opinion differs from yours absolutly no one is telling you not to have pride in your heritage i havent heard that once on here, immigration is great it is the foundation of our great nation, all anyone is saying is have a little respect for our people and our economics and do it the right way-the LEGAL way-like the ancestors did (and don't bring up american indians being the original owners of the lands because thats part of my ancestry, and it doesnt change the way i feel about ILLEGALS)


I am honestly half tampted to lock this thread for many different reasons.
lets stop the name calling and degrading remarks though.
I see both sides of this problem and I see no quick fix or if there is one I dont know.
I understand that people are trying to help there family no matter where they are from and see this country as a way to do that. At the same time I see illegals bringing in drugs and added crime and useing Tax dollars for medical care and general health.
Now I am going to say something that may get taken the wrong way and honestly I dont care.
If someone wants to come to this country legally I am all for it- it makes for a great country. BUT to me if they do not take the proper channels that are needed to come over by all means they need to be taken back to thier country of origin to start over to get here legally or stay in the country.
as far as Tobins health care I completely understand even here in Arkansas its that way but its not just the hispanics that are illegal its the whites, balck , asian People that really should be working but would rather draw a check every month so why work. The system is set in a way that its hard to work and get any assistance. to qualify for assistance you cant make over $100 pre tax a week or you are automatically denied. Now if you are pregnant they tell you NO JOKE go ahead and quit your job and we can get you X amount of money per month. IMO anyone applying for assistance needs to 1) be drug tested each month they are on assistance 2) required and checked up on filling out applications for employment 3)held accountable for the moneys that are alloted to them by submiting expense reports so to speak on where the moneys went.
any deviation from these should IMO result in IMMEDIATE dismisal of the assistance and made to repay the money that was given to them under false pretences. Any illegal activity while on assistance it should be revoked and made to repay that moneys, in addition the illegal aliens should be sent back their country of origin until they can get proper documentation to come into this country and only offered life saving treatments if needed while in this country NOTHING MORE.
this is just my opinion though.

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jovial
Sorry, not trying to provoke you, but when I read this I couldnt stop laughing. It seems that you really enjoy lashing out at people. Why? Once again I apologize for causing you to loose control. Can you consider this:
Take a deep breath and use your head instead. There really is no need to insult people. Persistent personal attacks reflect a last ditch measures of desperation and inability to prove ones point using factual information and logic. Lets get back on topic, if you cant prove your point this way then maybe you dont have one ... still waiting for your facts.
I warned you , I told you if you have nothing Good left to say stay on the sidelines or you will be sacrificed.
It's what Aztecs do (your words)
If you haven't noticed, the FACTS have been analized 2 pages ago


Active Member
i think defending illegals is wrong they are criminals no matter how you slice it, there is a legal way and an illegal way if you go the legal route congratulations, and welcome to america if it's the illegal way i don't care if you and your family are gunned down at the border, if that is what it takes to stop the criminals so be it...tobin


Active Member
that was me my gf does not share the same extreme view as i do but she knows the illegal situation needs to be addressed...tobin


Active Member
Originally Posted by jennythebugg
i think defending illegals is wrong they are criminals no matter how you slice it, there is a legal way and an illegal way if you go the legal route congratulations, and welcome to america if it's the illegal way i don't care if you and your family are gunned down at the border, if that is what it takes to stop the criminals so be it...tobin
How can you call yourself a christian and make statement such as that? See, that's the thing about most "christians" they are more often than not hyprocrites and aren't even capable of following the words of their savior...
What about criminals within our borders, do you think someone who shoplifts at the local store or deals petty amounts of pot or white collar crimals should also be shot down?


Active Member
in the bible in several places it says how the israelites were to go in and kill every man woman child and beast, now, yes i am a christian and it also states how you are to obey the laws of the land, i said i would not care if that happened and i wouldn't it would only take a few victims before they would wise up and stop coming here illegally as i stated several times in this thread no problems with doin it the legal way get my point THE LEGAL WAY, get over it illegals are CRIMINALS and i do not support CRIMINALS...tobin

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jovial
I respect your opinion and hope you will read this in its entirety.
The sad part is those who refuse to see this because of misguided loyalties. This is about criminals breaking the law, no matter how much one tries to candy coat this issue and twist it the issue will always be one of wrong or right. Doing the right thing is often unpopular, if I was breaking the law I would resist it also and try to argue against it. But this isnt Mexico.
Why is this so hard to comprehend? Possibly because they are jealous or dislike the US and would rather export their problems here or change the US into the disaster they ran from, courage is fixing your own problems not dumping them into someone elses backyard. Not black or white...right and wrong.
If ones loyalty is elsewhere, which has been the tone of your posts why waste time arguing, just move there. If your here you must believe that this is a better place, right? So why try to make the US into something else. If if wasnt better then why did you come here in the first place.

You know what you need to do is stay away from believing what goes in Movies like 'TRaining Day" and what happends at your barrio..Is it 13th streeters?, 18th streeters? There's a bunch of Tagers over here but they're not cholos/crips or bloods they're Punks..
Sure, i dislike America but yet i'm married to One, and pretty much Grew up here,
please...... I have a house here in the Us and My family have One in Mexico, So is my choice and freedom to live in both places..
Actually i live in both back and forth..cause i love both
why would i be living in a place that i hate?
Jovial, you're the one Not comprehending, cause i see you still talking Jiberish which i don't speak..Its' people like you that don't have the mental capacity to Open your mind... the US Goverment will never change if there's people with your type of mentality..I defenatly done wasting my time with You. Cause you refuse to have an Adult debate and leaning more towards arguing.. like a child..


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
You know what you need to do is stay away from believing what goes in Movies like 'TRaining Day" and what happends at your barrio..Is it 13th streeters?, 18th streeters? There's a bunch of Tagers over here but they're not cholos/crips or bloods they're Punks..
Sure, i dislike America but yet i'm married to One, and pretty much Grew up here, and i hold two Nationalities. I have a house here in the Us and My family have One in Mexico, So is my choice and freedom to live in both places..
Actually i live in both back and forth..cause i love both

Jovial, you're the one Not coprehending, cause i see you still taking Jiberish which i don't speak..Its' people like you that don't have the mental capacity to Open your mind... the US Goverment will never change if there's people with your type of mentality..I defenatly done wasting my time with You. Cause you refuse to have an Adult debate and leaning more towards arguing.. like a child..
so you state you hate america, in one part and how you love both america and mexico in another what is it if you hate it go back and stay if you love it why do you support criminals against our country and did you get married just to stay here?

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by jennythebugg
i think defending illegals is wrong they are criminals no matter how you slice it, there is a legal way and an illegal way if you go the legal route congratulations, and welcome to america if it's the illegal way i don't care if you and your family are gunned down at the border, if that is what it takes to stop the criminals so be it...tobin
Sure Illegals are Criminals i agree...Do you agree that the US goverment is doing "Criminal Activity" or how would you see it.. You plobably don't see it as nothing that's why you may think like that..But let's remember most/All of The US citizens are the US Goverment.. That's why you see Nothing wrong with it. ha
You gotta do what you gotta do!! But i think is the Bigest BS to blame Illegals for what your going through, and i'm a Christian also and it's sad..you have that mentality..makes me wonder..what American Chistians are like..

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by seasalt101
so you state you hate america, in one part and how you love both america and mexico in another what is it if you hate it go back and stay if you love it why do you support criminals against our country and did you get married just to stay here?

Well maybe you should go back and read the whole thread cause.. i was just repeating what Jovial said.. I never said i hated it..Thruthfully...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
Sure Illegals are Criminals i agree...Do you agree that the US goverment is doing "Criminal Activity" or how would you see it.. You plobably don't see it as nothing that's why you may think like that..But let's remember most/All of are US citizens are the US Goverment.. That's why you see Nothing wrong with it. ha
You gotta do what you gotta do!! But i think is the Bigest BS to blame Illegals for what your going through, and i'm a Christian also and it's sad..you have that mentality..
1st off what are you referring to the government and illegal activity? what about the mexican government and their illegal activities? and the fact that the mexican military guards their southern border, it's ok for them , but not us? 2nd i do not blame illegals for mycancer that is a very ignorant statement, i blame the illegals for using up american citizens benefits that american citizens pay for, 3rd you were an illegal weren't you? that is how you hide behind the christian banner, if i am right on this what you did was a crime and you cannot condem what you did also so you see it from the other side i see it from a born and bred american side...tobin