What's Wrong?


some of my zoos are retracted and i dont know why? everything around it seems to be fine?
are there any solutions to this answer? something that may commonly happen or whatnot w/o having to give water parameters?


Active Member
Posting water par. is probably the only way to determine cause. Some are open, some not.


How long have you had the zoos?
But ya youll need to post some water peramiters.
And any recent tank problems... Temp Spike stuff like that.


pH - 8.4
Ite - 0
Amm - 0
Ate - 15
Ca - 400
Phos - 1.5
there was a slight spike when my anenome died, but that was about a month ago?


I meant a temperature spike... Whats the tanks Temp? I had a fan go out on my for a day and the temp jumped up to 90!... Zoos closed up and eventually dissapeared.


oh, i thought u meant a Temp (orary) spike :hilarious
but now that i think of it, i was messing around with the chiller a few days ago and i think the temp went up a few degrees. do u think that could be cause?


anyone else???
do snails or anything else eat these? maybe they're just being harrassed?
i know this has prob happened to someone else! please..............


Active Member
i catch these lil buggers munching away on my zoos from time to time and i have to pic them off using tweezers they can multiply fast and demolish a colony of zoos easily
they are zoo eating nudibranchs and come in a variety of colors and shapes mine are like the size of a grain of rice and usually green or orange


Active Member
ive also had some that have died off after acclimation maybe from stress or some other factor but they usually rebound pretty fast they are very hardy


Active Member
Your phosphate is kinda high. Should be between 0-0.03. 1.5 can effect coral growth. are you using tap water?


nope, Reverse Osmosis all the way...............
i dont understand why the zoos are shrinking though, arent they supposed to be one of the hardiest? all the other corals are thriving! im guessin someone's eating away


Active Member
Take a small bowl of fresh r/o water and dip them in, ans swish around, and see if any nudis fall out. I found two on one of mine yesterday, I and soooo
mad. Now i am going to have to watch all my zoos and do dips on them to make sure there are no more. but where there are two, there are more.


hmmmmm, that sounds like a good idea
i glued my zoos down b/c the snails kept knocking them over. so they aren't comin off or out. :mad:


Active Member
how long had you had those zoos? do you have cleaner shrimp? my cleaner shrimps go over my zoos and polyps all the time making them close. or a fish could have swam close to it


ive had them for about 4 months or so.........they were spreading like crazy until now! i dont have a cleaner shrimp, but i DO have a coral banded...........he does seem to harrass some of the other corals


Active Member
I had the same problem, couldn't see anything on my zoo's, but finally saw a sundial snail deep in the pods, then after close inspection found another one! Look close, might be your problem!


This Is a pic Of the Sundial Snail. VERY deadly for Zoas Get them out or your Zoas are dead. I had a nice colony of Zoas that died cause of these.


that's a cool lookin snail.................but i dont want a zoo muncher!
thanks all for this info, now i have some things to look out for.................hopefully ill find the cause to "The Mystery of the Dissapearing Zoos". i hope to lock some snails away in prison


First, very pretty zoas...those are nice.
It is kind of hard to tell from that picture, but it looks like some of the zoas are getting a little "fuzz" on them. This may be the start of some algae growth, which is quite probable given your phosphate levels.
I am not sure what kind of flow they are in, but zoas do not like algae on them, and it causes them to close up. So if they are in a low flow area, you may want to try blowing them with a turkey baster to remove some of the build-up, and repeat this on a fairly regular basis.
You could also try moving them to a higher flow area, or changing the directions of the power heads to get them some more flow.
If I am seeing things in the picture, and they do not have any fuzz on them, then please ignore this entire email except for the first sentence!