whats your favorite salt?


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
Is Instant Ocean Reef Salt any good.. Im starting a reef so Im gunna be using that instead of the normal stuff.
IO reef crystals is made by the same company but is geared more for a reef tank with higher Ca, alk, and Mg.


Active Member
I've never heard of any problems with that salt. I've been thinking about switching from -- to TM pro, but I think I'll wait until Eric Borneman releases the salt study results.


Active Member
Thank you every one for your input on this.
It seems the most popular brands are (in no specific order)
IO reef crystals
tropic marin pro
and coralife.
LIke I said at the beggining I use IO reef crystals. I've never had a bad batch of any salt I have used (luck of the Irish if you will) I used to use coralife. but my LFS ran out and I had enough for one 5g bucket so I went and bought Reef crystals mixed up a 5g bucket of each at the same SG at 70% (tested with a refractometer). the calcium was higher in IO reefcrystals by 20mg/l this was of course one batch. one test and in no way a extensive expiriment. I switched and havent regretted it. of couse if my LFS ran out of IO I would use coralife again untill it came in. I would like to use tropic marin pro but its just so damn expensive up here.
thanks again to every one for their input.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
I've never heard of any problems with that salt. I've been thinking about switching from -- to TM pro, but I think I'll wait until Eric Borneman releases the salt study results.
I've just been hearing lots of rumors or I should say issues, but I heard the same deal with Oceanic......


I have used IO for years switched to oceanic had calcium problems went to tropic marine pro reef in january and now i have coraline growth i have been trying that for years.My numbers have been more consistent with tropic marine pro.That's my .02


Active Member
Well, the Eric Borneman study concluded that Reef Crystals was the best, Instant Ocean the worst. Kinda funny cuz one company makes them both.


Active Member
Originally Posted by xDave
Well, the Eric Borneman study concluded that Reef Crystals was the best, Instant Ocean the worst.
I wouldn't jump the gun yet. At the time (MACNA) the results hadn't been analyzed yet. The study literaly ended the day before MACNA. The real results aren't out yet.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
I wouldn't jump the gun yet. At the time (MACNA) the results hadn't been analyzed yet. The study literaly ended the day before MACNA. The real results aren't out yet.
Yeah, guess I should have mentioned that part.


I use ocean water from 20 miles offshore, the corals and everything else love it. :cheer: :jumping: When I used to use mixed salt I used reef crystals, but when I changed the the ocean water it acted like a supercharger for coral growth.


Active Member
well as far as this goes.. IMO instant ocean is for FOWLR tanks and reef crystals is for reef tanks. I personally dont reccomend trying to keep a reef tank with instant ocean. plenty of people do successfully but I think they have to supplement a lot more. thats just my opinion though.
thanks again for all the input people!


Active Member
I started out using Instant Ocean, but my calcium levels were, well, mmmm...
After I started stocking corals and paying more attention to the calcium levels in my water I ended up switching to Oceanic...MUCH better for my critters. I've had a crocea clam in my tank for a LONG time, and he's just as happy as a...well...as a clam.

Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
I have only ever used Red Sea. It takes about 12 hours to dissolve and I have had great success with it. I boost the low calcium and alk that is has with kalkwasser top offs.