What's your pic for the world series this season??


I just want to know who everybody thinks will be the favorite to win the ws this year. I would love the astros to win, but i doubt they will.

nm reef

Active Member
Cards.....and the only other team I follow seriously....the old Browns...with the Cards winning another series title. The Browns should have stayed in St. Louis


Active Member
NM !! I can't ever keep up with you here anymore. I never see you
I got the schedule and tickets
If your still planning a trip to STL and want to go let me know.
We got bumped over to sect 232 row 3 seats 1-4. We didn't want to fork over the huge $$$ for a seat deposit. These are 1st baseline side. If interested.......

darth tang

Active Member
Please don't start discussing this sport already. Wait a couple more months atleast.
I hate sportscenter in the summer...to much baseball........


Active Member
I hate to break it to you.....Spring Training is in about a month.

IMO.....hockey is the sport that never dies. I swear it goes all year 'round.


Active Member
well the redsox have the best pitching ......... Starters and Relief in baseball , with the 2 most dangerous bats in the league ........... Manny and Ortiz ........... everybody is mourning the loss of damon ,,,,, damon has the WEAKEST arm in baseball with a nagging shoulder ...... he IMHO opinion was a liability of defense , and he was tetering off on offense He is overrated and not worth 53 million I believe if the redsox pick up Coco Crisp or Jeremy Reed they are going to be just as well off as they were back in 2004 ..... Not to mention Theo Epstien returned and hes gonna go after the Rocket Roger Clemens ...... which will put the redsox with 8 qaulity starting pitchers ................. They are gonna be the team to beat


Originally Posted by Oceanists
well the redsox have the best pitching ......... Starters and Relief in baseball , with the 2 most dangerous bats in the league ........... Manny and Ortiz ........... everybody is mourning the loss of damon ,,,,, damon has the WEAKEST arm in baseball with a nagging shoulder ...... he IMHO opinion was a liability of defense , and he was tetering off on offense He is overrated and not worth 53 million I believe if the redsox pick up Coco Crisp or Jeremy Reed they are going to be just as well off as they were back in 2004 ..... Not to mention Theo Epstien returned and hes gonna go after the Rocket Roger Clemens ...... which will put the redsox with 8 qaulity starting pitchers ................. They are gonna be the team to beat
Strongest relief in baseball...c'mon
and I will give you that Damon's arm is weak and not worth the contract he got...
I won't make World Series picks but here are my divinsion and wild card winners....the playoffs are a different game/season
AL East Yankees w/ Toronto and Boston close behind
AL Central White Sox w/ Cleveland close behind again
AL West My Los Angeles Angels
w/ Oakland close behind again
AL Wild card Cleveland w/ Toronto, Oakland and Boston (that order)
NL East Mets w/ Atlanta close behind(this is the year they get dethroned)
NL Central StLouis w/ nobody close again
NL Weak
I mean West Los Angeles Dohyers w/ San Fransisco and San Diego very close
NL Wild card Atlanta w/ Philidelphia and Houston close(that order)


Originally Posted by lovethesea
NM !! I can't ever keep up with you here anymore. I never see you
I got the schedule and tickets
If your still planning a trip to STL and want to go let me know.
We got bumped over to sect 232 row 3 seats 1-4. We didn't want to fork over the huge $$$ for a seat deposit. These are 1st baseline side. If interested.......

I went to Busch Stadium last year...I go to a different stadium every year...since the were blowing it I had to go to StL quick....do you think the new stadium is going to be a hitters or pitchers park???? w/ the outfield open (and the BEAUTIFUL view of the Arch) is the wind going to blow in to knock the balls down or will it blow out to help w/ the carry????


this has nothing to do with the world series but who thinks jason giambi is back on the juice(nothing personal yankee fans). he was doing horrible before the allstar break but then all of a sudden he came back and was hitting upperdeck everytime you turned around. its just suspicious. :thinking: :notsure:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Shu-perman
Strongest relief in baseball...c'mon
and I will give you that Damon's arm is weak and not worth the contract he got...

Im not sure how that is funny The redsox have .... Curt Schilling , Jeff Becket , David Wells , Matt Clement , Tim Wakefield , Jonathon Papelbon and are persuing Roger Clemens Hard ....... Those are just Starters ...... Heres the Relief .......Bronson Arroyo , Mota , DiNardo , Seanez , Tavarez , Timlin , and Foulke
and if the redsox go with a 5 man rotation AND pick up clemens , that puts Clement and Papelbon in that allready Stellar Bullpen Mix ..... Thats 3 Starters that are 15 game winners that are WILLING to pitch relief mixed with some awesome young arms , I think with just Arroyo Timlin and Foulke you have the best Bullpun in the league , TImlin is the best setup man in the league , then you have the second best closer in the league if he bounces back from the knee injury , I wont even Mention what Arroyo can do. Name another team who has got a better set up than that and is a prospect for the playoffs ......... I will buy you a Brain Coral if you can and dont even say the yankees cause they are damn close to having the worst pitching staff in the league
OHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and this just in as im typing THE REDSOX PICKED UP COCO CRISP FROM THE INDIANS ............ the MLB is in trouble


Active Member
Originally Posted by Oceanists
Im not sure how that is funny The redsox have .... Curt Schilling , Jeff Becket , David Wells , Matt Clement , Tim Wakefield , Jonathon Papelbon and are persuing Roger Clemens Hard ....... Those are just Starters ...... Heres the Relief .......Bronson Arroyo , Mota , DiNardo , Seanez , Tavarez , Timlin , and Foulke
and if the redsox go with a 5 man rotation AND pick up clemens , that puts Clement and Papelbon in that allready Stellar Bullpen Mix ..... Thats 3 Starters that are 15 game winners that are WILLING to pitch relief mixed with some awesome young arms , I think with just Arroyo Timlin and Foulke you have the best Bullpun in the league , TImlin is the best setup man in the league , then you have the second best closer in the league if he bounces back from the knee injury , I wont even Mention what Arroyo can do. Name another team who has got a better set up than that and is a prospect for the playoffs ......... I will buy you a Brain Coral if you can and dont even say the yankees cause they are damn close to having the worst pitching staff in the league
OHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and this just in as im typing THE REDSOX PICKED UP COCO CRISP FROM THE INDIANS ............ the MLB is in trouble

This send Mota to the indians , so you can scratch him from the Bullpen that I had mentioned


Originally Posted by Oceanists
Im not sure how that is funny The redsox have .... Curt Schilling , Jeff Becket , David Wells , Matt Clement , Tim Wakefield , Jonathon Papelbon and are persuing Roger Clemens Hard ....... Those are just Starters ......
Heres the Relief .......Bronson Arroyo , Mota , DiNardo , Seanez , Tavarez , Timlin , and Foulke
I was laughing at your relievers not starters.....Mota is gone and Timlin are Foulke are not the greatest IMO...Foulke is past his prime....you have a good bully BUT not the best in baseball as you claim....
Wells looks to disappear soon via trade(atleast from the rumors) and I'm not sure Schilling is going to be as dominant as he used to be..I THINK that surgery he had on his ankle will cause problems for the rest of his short(2-3yrs) career....
Don't add Rodger to your line up til he's part of the team..EVERYONE is pursuing him hard
I'll put the Angels bully against the Red Sox anyday of the week....
Rodriquez cl
Shields set up
JC Romero
Donnelly (pine tar included hhaha)
K.Gregg long relief
Saunders teh rookie is at the bottom b/c he hasn't proven anything yet
across the board our staff was better than the R'Sox last year but you have picked up a couple quality starters so I do give you credit for the improvemnet but they still don't touch the bully...

salty tank

Cleveland Indians. The red sox aint gettin coco, no way. Tribe is suppost to win the world series according to ESPN.com (they rated them #1 for next yr). Cleveland is full of young guys that are only getting better. Anyone here believe they will win it? I dont know if they will make it to the WS but they are going to the playoffs for sure. Also, the most amazing part is that most players on the tribe are only getting paid a small fraction compared to the players that are just as good. Last time i checked the highest paid player was makin like 3 mill a year, i dont know what it is know though.
How can you not like baseball?!?! I think its the greatest sport ever.

salty tank

Wait, is the deal sealed? Is coco gone? Last i heard today it wasnt for sure yet. That gives me one more reason to hate boston!