I hired a guy who sets up and maintains tanks, always wanted a swt, but was clueless to the hobby and really didn't have the time to invest, just some $$, so it seemed like a win-win....that was last May, he installed a 145 gallon tank, but I'm told the the specs aren't exactly suitable as it's 4' wide, by 24" depth and 30" in height, I now know having more horizontal vs. vertical is better, but that's not what he told me, but it's doable and I'm stuck with it, and it's the least of my problems I suppose, except that I can't quite reach all the way to the bottom or the back when I need to, and the my live rock all 190lbs of it are mostly glued together... Long story not so short, he put in a lot of fish, mostly not the ones I wanted, I put in a few as well that I bought from SWF, to get some that I did want, all happened too quickly and my tank was way overcrowed @ 30 fish, which were probably overfed, he never once told me how many fish, at what rate or anything. He came every 2 weeks, but never really checked water quality etc., seemed to forget his test kit, just did water and filter changes, and I didn't know any better, (fist to head) all creating the perfect storm and low and behold, my fish started dying off rapidly (from what we think was Marine velvet), and b/c I have inverts, we werent' able to treat the whole tank and couldn't catch the fish behind the rock to treat them (refer to above tank size issue/rocks glued), so then I fired him and got someone else who administered Rally which saved my remaining 7 fish, (1 bad ass Sailfin Tang who was so sick he actually had a notch in his head and no tail fin left, he looks great today. My valentini puffer was so covered in white spots, and he survived as well the remaining fish never seemed affected, 4 dart fish, 1 longnose hawkfish) but I lost so many, 2 yellow tangs, 1 naso, 1 blue hippo, 2 clowns, 4 pj cardinals, 4 blue chromis, 1 mandarin dragonet, 2 lawnmower blennies, 1 heniochus butterfly, 1 pink square anthias, 1 sixline wrasse, & 1 black cap baslett. He's now trying to get me back on track and seems pretty knowledgeable, problem is he's really far and can't get here but once a month or two months even. He's slowly showing me how to do water changes etc., He wanted to install a larger UV of 50w, ( I had an 18w ), which he did 3 weeks ago, which then sprung a leak as it was defective, got replacement, but it's missing a part. At that time, he thought I could slowly start adding fish and brought me a Mata tang, which he personally qt for a month, he goes from having white to black spots then they clear up again, so don't know if there is still something lingering in my tank and I'm going to have a repeat disaster? Then my heater just decided to not work and my tank rose to 88 degrees overnite just this week finally got it back down to 78. My anemones have floated away, due to all the issues, can't say I blame them! but,I don't know if they are dead or not and if so, how that will effect the tank ? SO, uncle already I'm so damn frustrated. whew, thanks for listening, it was cathardic : /