When to add Cleanup Crew And What


I am currently in the middle of my cycle and I am about to start looking at some options for a clean up crew.
When would be the best time to add them and also which specific inverts to add and how many?
I currently have a 58g


wait until the cycle has completed. I would use a combo of either Astrea/Mexican Turbos and Nassarius. The Ast/Mex will wander along your LR and glass and the Nass will cover the sand bed.... that is if you have one.
Start small, just a few of each, then move up from there.


I am thinking of getting
10 nassarius
3 Mexican turbos
10 Astrea
and maybe 10 trochus
maybe more or less?


you dont have to wait until your cycle is completed to add a cleanup crew, usually by the end of your cycle your start seeing small brown algea grow called diatoms. Since most clean up crew members are pretty hardy tank inhabitants, you dont have to wait until the tank has cycled.


Originally Posted by Toeknee
I am thinking of getting
10 nassarius
3 Mexican turbos
10 Astrea
and maybe 10 trochus
maybe more or less?
i have a 60 and i have 20 nassarius 1 mexican because they can tear up some algea 15 astrea... plus i have 10 red leg's and 10 blue legs

bang guy

Originally Posted by Toeknee
I am thinking of getting
10 nassarius
3 Mexican turbos
10 Astrea
and maybe 10 trochus
maybe more or less?

I wouldn't add more than 3 Nassarius vibex to a 58. 2 turbo's is good, 3 or 4 Astraea is fine, 10 trochus is also good.
Also, 4 or 5 Cerith and a Black Sea Cucumber. A Brittlestar can be helpful and interesting.
I would wait until the tank is stable because snails are delicate. I avoid hermits because they are predatory.


the clean up crew i have was purchased through swf.com so i think if you want to get a clean up crew swf.com already has reef packages of what you need, i got the 30-90 gallon package, so thats why i have what i have, so you might want to look into that...


yep, hermits tend to find new homes in your old snails, some people have luck with them but thats a chance you have to be willing to take.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
I wouldn't add more than 3 Nassarius vibex to a 58. 2 turbo's is good, 3 or 4 Astraea is fine, 10 trochus is also good.
Also, 4 or 5 Cerith and a Black Sea Cucumber. A Brittlestar can be helpful and interesting.
I would wait until the tank is stable because snails are delicate. I avoid hermits because they are predatory.
I have to agree with Bang guy here!!!!
Bang Guy, I added 15 Cerith from my 55 to my 90, now I have over a hundred of their babies....lol.....IF you look at my sandbed, you'll see part of the sandbed pretty much covered by their babies, all black...