Where are the smilies?


Well-Known Member
Is anyone else having this problem? When I click on the emoticon icon to insert a smiley, the popup window only gives me one choice, and a whole lot of empty cells. Funny thin is, it's usually a different choice on any given day. Today, it seems, I am allowed to use this one:
Yesterday it was the sadcry smiley. Couple days ago I had the thumbsup available. It's not just my computer; I've been on three different machines with the same issue.


Active Member
Sorry nova, but you can't even do rotfl. did it show up on your preview?
All I see is flower's wave available.
crap, just realized I should have PM'd everybody to gang up and say its only you...oh well....


Well-Known Member
Heheheh, thanks for the laugh. And yes, the rotfl shows up correctly on my machine right now. Very, very strange, isn't it? It's stuff like this that is making older forum members *cough*cranberry*cough* feel like it's not worth posting here.
......not that I am implying in any way that Renee is old!


Active Member
Last week I got the "somethings wrong" message when refreshing, for about 30 mins or so. I assumed the techies were working on the site.
It was right after that when the smilies went all stinky bad.
Just like our software support here at work...fix one thing, break something else...


Well-Known Member
What a piece of work have we become, that we should feel so stymied by the absence of these simple little pictograms! Have we devolved in our daily discourse to such a degree that we cannot communicate a simple emotion through actual, physical sentences? Are we so afraid of offending some nameless reader if we fail to completely convey our sarcasm in a witty enough manner? Whose fault is the offense, then, if the author's humor is more subtle than the reader's? And how much more difficult is it to say, "Gosh, I'm so sorry to hear that," in place of a little sadface smiley?
Abolish the smilies, I say! Rise up, we slaves of the emotionless emoticons, and put fingertips to keyboard once more! Pour your heart into the words and cast aside the GIFs! They have caged us, forced us to define our emotions based on arbitrary animated images. Free yourself of their bonds and explore new realms of personal expression once again! Join me in the revolution.....DEATH TO SMILEY!! Who's with me??


BITE YOUR TONGUE NOVA.....I NEED the SMILIES :( :( I am having smilie withdrawals
yes...GIVE ME PICTOGRAMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Well of course LOLCats will be spared in my smiley campaign. After all, who doesn't like a kitty with a caption???


Active Member
LOL, (insert rolling on floor smilie here)
Oh the sarcasm some people have........
Stupid cat pictures =D