Where can I get Caulpera Prolifera?


I would like to build a refugium (yes you good folks have talked me into it!) and I would like to harvest Caulpera Prolifera in it and move cuttings to my main tank as food for the fish. Can someone tell me where on line I can find this plant?

bang guy

You really should plan on having a few different species of caulerpa in your refugium. Find out if you have a local reef club and beg some off someone. If you don't, e-mail me and we can work something out.


Active Member
I'm with Guy. Have at least 3 different types just encase something goes wrong. I started with 5 and have 3 now. The other 2 (Blade & Feather), just didn't like my tank as much as the 3 that now grow like weeds in there. And if you can't get any local I'll also help you out. I have Grape, Cup and and unidentified caulerpa simular to grape but instead of round thay are tear drop/toy top shaped, all are good growers. GL


I was told that grape was good also. Thanks for the advice. I'd be willing to pay for some if either/both of you'd be willing to send it to me. I live in a very rural part of Michigan and I don't know of any aquarium clubs or the like. Heck, I can't even find a good LFS in the area!


I am with Blue Marlin there as well, I am SURE I could find a decent LFS where I work in NYC, but really have not found any GREAT ones near my home. If anyone or either of you are willing to sell some of your harvest I would be more then happy to pay you and of course shipping.


so you say more than one type!! Well I had grape in mine but it died and now only have what i assume is blade. It is a slow grower in my sump and the hair algae is actually growing faster and trying to take over the sump.

bang guy

If anyone wants minigrape Caulerpa please e-mail me your name and address. I'll send it Priority mail for $10.00.


Active Member
If anyone wants any of the types of caulerpa above. I'll be happy to send you some at the cost of shipping. Shipping should be no longer than a couple of days or the caulerpa may not survive. Just shoot me an email at the address below. HTH


Thats one heck of a nice offer Na. I ordered my 15 high yesterday, they said it will be about 2 weeks till it comes in, but once it does and I am ready to roll I will drop you an e-mail. Thanks again!


What exactly does Caulerpa help do in the sump? I am setting up a sump and want to know everything I can find out! Thanks!~


I am far from an expert, but my understanding is that the culpera is a fast growing algae which consume the nitrites (or traits??) in the tank for food. Also, they will compete with this food and starve other not so nice algae such as hair from growing in the main tank.
There is also an increase in oxygenation of the water from the plants which is a good thing.
A third benifit is it supposedly makes an ideal growing place for those pods, so you can move some live rock to and from the main tank to ensure a healthy population in the main tank.
Also, Pyro, from what I have read you can indeed put it in the main tank if you don't mind the looks. Its still benifical, and some fish will find it a tasty treat as well.
Any experts, please let me know if I missed anything.


Thanks for the info! Did you get your sump going yet. I think that was you who was starting a new one? I am going to do one for my 72 bow tank. Do you know if there is a certain overflow box I need or will any do? I am going to use my Rena XP3 Canister as the return to the tank. It does 375 GPH that should be enough? Let me know thanks again!


Active Member
Try this, they've got several different types. <a href="http://www.ipsf.com/" target="_blank">http://www.ipsf.com/</a>


Active Member
Be careful about putting certain types of caulerpa in your main tank. Some types, such as grape for example, can become an unstoppable and unremovable weed in a tank with a good bio-load on it. This type should be kept in algae scrubbers and refugiums or the like.


Active Member
There are many slower growing macro-algaes for sale for reef tanks. I've seen them for sale, but never looked into them, and therfore don't know there names off hand. Because of there slow growth they don't do nearly as much for nutrient control.


Nope, mine is not set up yet. None of the LFS' had a 15 gal high tank, so I am ordering one.
I can't really answer your question on overflow boxes, which ones are best etc. Because mine is a smaller tank 29gal and the water flow is not that great I am going to try to make my own first. If you go to About.com, they have a few DIY links for overflows.


I want some. However, I just found out from my LFS that macro algae selling is prohibited by law in California. Has anyone heard of this before?

bang guy

Originally posted by stupid_naso:
<strong>I want some. However, I just found out from my LFS that macro algae selling is prohibited by law in California. Has anyone heard of this before?</strong><hr></blockquote>
YES! C. prolifera is illegal in CA