Where Does Your Faith Come From?


Originally Posted by renogaw
I grew up baptist and catholic. i decided for myself when i turned 17 and had something bad (really bad) happen to me that made me think if there was a god, it wouldn't have happened. This is why i do not believe in god. If god was all powerful, all knowing, all loving, why is there so much hate, violence, and other horrible things going on in the world? and don't give me the "devil influence thing" because if god was all powerful, he could remove all devilish tendancies.
i know you were'nt asking why people didn't believe, but i had to put this out there as well.
I used to feel the same way and blamed God for everything bad in my life, I dont know why he allows these things to happen. I think life on earth is meant to be suffering.


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The bible says " So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
" Rom. 10. 17
God decides who he will open the eyes and ears of...but it might not hurt to ask.

clown boy

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Originally Posted by 1journeyman
My faith comes from within me.
I wish I could explain that better but I can't. I studied, thought a lot, searched and came to a "peace" about who God is.
Faith, in my humble opinion, is a hope of things not seen, but I do catch glimpses occasionally.
Hope that helps, though I don't really think it does. To me faith in God is as natural as having faith in the chair I sat down in when I went to type this.
I agree with this except for one thing: My faith comes from God. Not me. I pray for God to give me faith.


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Originally Posted by 1journeyman
That's an unfair and unsubstantiated claim. I suspect you don't know how any of the posters on this forum grew up; much less "most".
Let me rephrase a bit. You are correct. I have no idea how anyone here grew up. I was more referring to the way most people in the world are influenced by the ones who raise them from children. We tend to adopt many of the habits and beliefs that our parents have just because that is usually all we knew growing up. It's true some people don't follow this pattern but in general it is a true statement. Being influenced by Baptist and Catholic religions growing up, I did choose to follow the Catholic belief during an earlier time in my life. I later chose to not follow this any longer for my own reasons which are no importanced to anyone here. Although, I can't be certain, I would bet money that 'most' people here followed a similar path early in their life. Some I'm sure have stayed with that path, others have found different ways. Does that make sense?
If not, an extreme example is with my influences, not much chance I was going to end up Hindu. I have many friends who are though and they believe in their religion as passionately as many of you. Not much chance of them becoming Baptist either. That's all I was saying.


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Originally Posted by renogaw
I grew up baptist and catholic. i decided for myself when i turned 17 and had something bad (really bad) happen to me that made me think if there was a god, it wouldn't have happened. This is why i do not believe in god. If god was all powerful, all knowing, all loving, why is there so much hate, violence, and other horrible things going on in the world? and don't give me the "devil influence thing" because if god was all powerful, he could remove all devilish tendancies.
i know you were'nt asking why people didn't believe, but i had to put this out there as well.

The Lord Jesus Christ, who was the only truly "innocent" and "righteous" man in all history, nevertheless has suffered more than anyone else who ever lived.
And this He did for us! “Christ died for our sins” (I Corinthians 15:3). He suffered and died, in order that ultimately He might deliver the world from the Curse, and that, even now, He can deliver from sin and its bondage anyone who will receive Him in faith as personal Lord and Savior. This great deliverance from the penalty of inherent sin, as well as of overt sins, very possibly also assures the salvation of those who have died before reaching an age of conscious choice of wrong over right.
With our full faith in God's goodness and in Christ's redemption, we can recognize that our present sufferings can be turned to His glory and our good.
The sufferings of unsaved men are often used by the Holy Spirit to cause them to realize their needs of salvation and to turn to Christ in repentance and faith. The sufferings of Christians should always be the means of developing a stronger dependence on God and a more Christ-like character, if they are properly "exercised thereby" (Hebrews 12:11).
Thus, God is loving and merciful even when, "for the present," He allows trials and sufferings to come in our lives.
“For we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28).


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Originally Posted by renogaw
I grew up baptist and catholic. i decided for myself when i turned 17 and had something bad (really bad) happen to me that made me think if there was a god, it wouldn't have happened. This is why i do not believe in god. If god was all powerful, all knowing, all loving, why is there so much hate, violence, and other horrible things going on in the world? and don't give me the "devil influence thing" because if god was all powerful, he could remove all devilish tendancies.
Most non-believers ask this same question: Why does God allow so much pain and suffering on earth?
God loves us so much, that He allows suffering to happen to his most beloved "creatures"; I'm sure it hurts Him more than we know. The reason He allows it, is because He gave us our most powerful gift: the gift of Free Will. If God were to remove all evil and wrongdoing from this earth, we would have no free will. We would no longer have the choice to do what He wants, as we could ONLY do what He wants. Life on earth is not supposed to be all glorious; The point of our time on earth is to decide whether or not to choose God's will, that we may have unending happiness when our life here is over. If we were created and put directly in heaven with God, we wouldn't have the chance to truly make this decision using our greatest gift: Free Will. It's what puts us above all other of God's creations (all other animals as well as the angels in Heaven); that's why Lucifer and his minions left God's grace, as they were jealous that He held humans (very weak in our faith) above all others. It really saddens me when someone blames God for their misfortunes.
Anyway, back to topic. My faith comes from everything I learn in the world around us. Life itself, down to the workings of the microscopic cell amaze me such that I don't believe it could have come into existence without a "higher being".


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Originally Posted by Darknes
Most non-believers ask this same question: Why does God allow so much pain and suffering on earth?
God loves us so much, that He allows suffering to happen to his most beloved "creatures"; I'm sure it hurts Him more than we know. The reason He allows it, is because He gave us our most powerful gift: the gift of Free Will. If God were to remove all evil and wrongdoing from this earth, we would have no free will. We would no longer have the choice to do what He wants, as we could ONLY do what He wants. Life on earth is not supposed to be all glorious; The point of our time on earth is to decide whether or not to choose God's will, that we may have unending happiness when our life here is over. If we were created and put directly in heaven with God, we wouldn't have the chance to truly make this decision using our greatest gift: Free Will. It's what puts us above all other of God's creations (all other animals as well as the angels in Heaven); that's why Lucifer and his minions left God's grace, as they were jealous that He held humans (very weak in our faith) above all others. It really saddens me when someone blames God for their misfortunes.
Anyway, back to topic. My faith comes from everything I learn in the world around us. Life itself, down to the workings of the microscopic cell amaze me such that I don't believe it could have come into existence without a "higher being".

I have always found it to be rather entertaining when people give god human emotions such as love, hate, sadness, vengence, wrath, envy and so forth. If god was indeed perfect it would not feel these emotions. Also, it goes to show the vanity of man to project these very human traits on to god. Anything that could be the all creator would not feel hate and wrath and need to destroy cities full of nonbelievers...funny stuff really.


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Originally Posted by Jmick
I have always found it to be rather entertaining when people give god human emotions such as love, hate, sadness, vengence, wrath, envy and so forth. If god was indeed perfect it would not feel these emotions. Also, it goes to show the vanity of man to project these very human traits on to god. Anything that could be the all creator would not feel hate and wrath and need to destroy cities full of nonbelievers...funny stuff really.
IMHO, I have to agree. When I contracted at a children's hospital, I used to see the children there that were fighting cancer and other life threatening ailments. I asked a priest how a loving God could allow that to happen to a innocent child. The closest he could come to answering was that God has a plan that only he understands. Well, I can't see any plan that justifies letting that happen to a child. I don't think the child nor their parents had free will to let it happen. I friend of mine also lost a 2 year old little girl suddenly. I'm not trying to convince anyone to believe or not believe. I just have a huge problem with the whole concept and I choose to believe in my own way which is a higher power but something that may totally oblivious to us. Anyone remember Horton hears a who?


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Would there be happiness without suffering. If it was all perfect and peachy keen all the time, we would know no difference. Why have faith in something you need no faith in?? I'm jus' sayin'.....


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Originally Posted by Jmick
I have always found it to be rather entertaining when people give god human emotions such as love, hate, sadness, vengence, wrath, envy and so forth. If god was indeed perfect it would not feel these emotions. Also, it goes to show the vanity of man to project these very human traits on to god. Anything that could be the all creator would not feel hate and wrath and need to destroy cities full of nonbelievers...funny stuff really.
Indeed, we know very little about God, and even less of how He exists. I believe we have not been told more because we would not be able to comprehend. However, we do know He created us in His image; also, God the Son was born of man. He obviously exhibited all the emotions that we do during His time on earth.


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Originally Posted by Darknes
Indeed, we know very little about God, and even less of how He exists. I believe we have not been told more because we would not be able to comprehend. However, we do know He created us in His image; also, God the Son was born of man. He obviously exhibited all the emotions that we do during His time on earth.
That's all fine and good if you believe the word of the bible and if you don't then it's a nice story with no fact. Again, the idea that we were created in the image of god is pure vanity.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
That's all fine and good if you believe the word of the bible and if you don't then it's a nice story with no fact. Again, the idea that we were created in the image of god is pure vanity.
You were asking why believers give God human characteristics. Obviously someone who doesn't believe in God doesn't believe in the Bible, and wouldn't speak of God having human characteristics.
I don't think I see your point.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darknes
You were asking why believers give God human characteristics. Obviously someone who doesn't believe in God doesn't believe in the Bible, and wouldn't speak of God having human characteristics.
I don't think I see your point.
There are many people who believe in god who don't take the bible as its word, I think you should read my post again instead of jumping to conclusions.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
I have always found it to be rather entertaining when people give god human emotions such as love, hate, sadness, vengence, wrath, envy and so forth. If god was indeed perfect it would not feel these emotions. Also, it goes to show the vanity of man to project these very human traits on to god. Anything that could be the all creator would not feel hate and wrath and need to destroy cities full of nonbelievers...funny stuff really.
I think if you examine your post carefully you'll see your applying a human conception of "perfect" to God; Then you are criticizing people for projecting other characteristics like "anger" and "love" on Him.


The subject at hand is not who believes in god and who doesn't, it is why we have faith in what we believe in. Many people believe in many different things, some believe in nothing. Faith is trust. I do have faith in God. I didn't always though. I had some very rough patches early in life and I chose to read the bible. I chose to start praying. I believed in the power of prayer and have had many wonderful things happen because of prayer. Maybe it is because I have faith that prayer actualy works. I do not believe that anyone can actually sum up what faith is anymore than they can explain anyone elses faith. It is different with each person. What works for one person may not work for others. Some are perfectly content believing in no higher power and that the world simply evolved.


I guess I see faith in God in many different ways. These opinions aren't what I think others need faith for they are how I see them sometimes.
1. A person who has nothing left in their lives. God will get them through when they no onger have the strength too.
2. A person who is explaining the pain and suffering of a child or some other innocent person. They tell that we need faith in God's plan that we are unable to understand.
3. People who cannot accept that the life we have may be it. They need to believe in something, a bigger reason for it all.
4. People who have had something unexplainable happen to them or near them and the only answer is some sort of god.
5. They were raised by generations of people who believed the same and were told of the horrors they would face if they did not have the same belief.
Those are a few of the ways I see faith. they are general to try and fit in many different meanings. I can sort of understand most of them, but 5 is the one that I see that baffles and almost angers me.

darthtang aw

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Originally Posted by Jovial
I used to feel the same way and blamed God for everything bad in my life, I dont know why he allows these things to happen. I think life on earth is meant to be suffering.
If life was easy and went right all the time...why would you need top put your faith and Belief in God. Why would you want to go to Heaven if Earth was just peachy? And just think, if you think earth is bad,then that gives you all the more reason to not go to hell.
For me, Faith stemmed from this one thought. If there is no GOD, then life is just being born, living a few years, then Dying. Boom that is it...That started my looking into faith, because, to me, that is a pretty crappy deal. If that is all there is...that what is the point of the stars?


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after hearing some comments on where some peoples faith comes from i was wondering where your faith in atheism comes from?


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Originally Posted by reefreak29
after hearing some comments on where some peoples faith comes from i was wondering where your faith in atheism comes from?
I don't think atheists have faith so they don't need faith in atheism, they just don't believe.


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Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I think if you examine your post carefully you'll see your applying a human conception of "perfect" to God; Then you are criticizing people for projecting other characteristics like "anger" and "love" on Him.
Of course I am and as a human I can only apply my own notion of what perfection is. Also, thanks for pointing that out. I think we all can agree that humans are far from perfect right? Since, we were "created" in god’s image that makes him imperfect (at least the Christian version of what god is). Again, an all powerful being, that created everything would not be so petty as to burn cities, send nonbelievers to hell and kill all first born children of a nation because they displeased him.
My faith comes from the notion that god is a creator and it has the never ending cosmos to always and always create. Earth is a very small portion of a cosmos that never ends and to think that it focus's on just earth is vain and well human. We'd like to think that we are that special but in the end we aren't, we are one of a billon + planets out there and are nothing but a spec of dust in the infinite.
I think there is a possibility there is something out there and there could be life after death but I don't know. All I can do is make the most of this one life, the life I know is certain and what ever happens after that is fine with me because I will die with no regrets.