Where Does Your Faith Come From?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
I think there is a possibility there is something out there and there could be life after death but I don't know. All I can do is make the most of this one life, the life I know is certain and what ever happens after that is fine with me because I will die with no regrets.
So you do have Faith. You have faith in what you believe is correct. That is faith.
Faith is a belief in what you can not put a finger on, an intangible belief in something even if it is not proven by Man to be fact.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
So you do have Faith. You have faith in what you believe is correct. That is faith.
Faith is a belief in what you can not put a finger on, an intangible belief in something even if it is not proven by Man to be fact.
I never said I didn't have faith, I am not an atheist. Also, I have no idea if what I believe is correct and I don't really care--it makes sense to me and that's good enough (it's better then having someone else tell me what's right).


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
I don't think atheists have faith so they don't need faith in atheism, they just don't believe.
you need just as much faith to disbelieve in God then to believe in him.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Of course I am and as a human I can only apply my own notion of what perfection is. Also, thanks for pointing that out. I think we all can agree that humans are far from perfect right? Since, we were "created" in god’s image that makes him imperfect (at least the Christian version of what god is). Again, an all powerful being, that created everything would not be so petty as to burn cities, send nonbelievers to hell and kill all first born children of a nation because they displeased him.
The issue is that you are trying to "judge" God from a human standpoint. That doesn't work. The book of Job does a great job with this exact issue.
Man was created in the image of God. That in no way implies God is somehow flawed. Man has free will and chose to fall from God. (the Christian perspective... not looking to get into a debate as that is not what this thread is about. However, you stated a fairly broad sweeping condemnation of Christianity's God so it needed to be corrected).
As for the "pettiness" of God, we can discuss that on another thread. That's not what the OP was asking for here.