Very cool you guys. In case you've been reading for a while, this is Ktwheet, the one who started this monster post. A lot of you guys live in places that are on my list of possible new homes. I am applying to graduate schools in psychology in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Eugene (Oregon), Chicago, New Haven (CT), Ann Arbor, Minneapolis/St. Paul, Champaign-Urbana (IL), Chapel Hill (NC), Charlottesville (SC), Boston, Austin, Tucson, and UVA somewhere in Virginia. I know, long list, but it's tough to get in to some of the schools. The thing I hate most about Memphis is the 100% humidity and the lack of snow. Beale Street is okay if you like to party, but that's about all there is to do here. It would be very cool to live near another saltwaterfish hobbyist! I appreciate you guys! (Keep posting if you haven't already...).